
Terminator not yet terminated

Despite expectations, FOX grants Terminator another nine episodes.

Much to the surprise of many, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles was given a full season by FOX on Friday.

The extra nine episodes for its second season follows a growing US fan base and some positive critical attention.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Fox’s overall ratings tend to significantly increase after the first of the year, powered by American Idol.

The series which stars Lena Headey, Thomas Dekker and Summer Glau last aired in Australia on the Nine Network in March, moving from 8:30 to 10:30 timeslots.

Now word on future episodes here just yet.

Source: Variety, Hollywood Reporter

11 Responses

  1. well this is promising that fox is going to keep to their word when they said they have had management changes and they won’t have such a trigger-finger any more. now if only one australian network would grow a spine and learn what committment is they may just discover some viewers that are willing to put their trust in anyone who earns it.

  2. I haven’t watched a show on FTA in a long time, excluding random stuff like Sunrise when I’m eating breakfast. I even download The Mentalist and Life, even though they’re being reasonably fast-tracked, simply because I’ve gotten used to downloads lol. Plus, the networks can screw with the shows as much as they want and it won’t disrupt me.

  3. I’m glad I’m finally going to be able to download shows. The past few years especially have been shocking for TV in Australia. I have held off, not because I couldn’t download them, but because I couldn’t watch them on my TV. I should be able to soon and I doubt I’ll be watching much TV after that.

  4. The majority of the shows I download are ones that I cannot get any other way, because they do not screen here. Usually I will buy the DVD if I deem it worthy (and if there is one available). That way the creators get their money from me, and I don’t feel I am cheating them in any way. I don’t have a ratings box, so it’s not like my number counts otherwise.

    Terminator is one such show. Without the ability to download, I’d never get to see it. Consider the hundreds of shows in the past thirty years I have missed out on because of this limitation.

  5. And they still wonder why it not just kids who do there own fast tracking and download these shows from the states,it was the same with Galactica only now is Ten showing it on HD

  6. have to admit i hated this show when i saw the first few episodes but then i saw some of season two and felt it was much better i think the actors and writers are actually becoming more comfortable with what they are doing as the terminator has a massive legacy to deal with.

    I’m glad they are continuing on as i think this is the type of series that will get better and better because the possibilities for storylines, if you are creative are endless. good on fox i’m looking forward to more Tchronicals.

  7. Finally, Fox actually makes a leap of faith rather than reaching for the big red “cancel” button.

    Very good news. And Nine can show it or not show it, nobody watching this show cares either way :)

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