
Big Brother 09: we don’t think so

Nine and Seven apparently rule out acquiring Big Brother (again).

Neither Channel 9 nor Seven will pick up Big Brother after Channel TEN gave it the axe mid year, claims the Herald Sun.

There was speculation Nine would pick up the series and dramatically change the format, particularly in the light of a secondary channel, but sources said the network was no longer interested.

Channel TEN has confirmed it has a replacement program set for May next year.

“What we’ve devised is another franchise,” head of programming David Mott said.

TEN will announce its 2009 slate to media next week.

Source: Herald Sun

34 Responses

  1. more reality tv only if it’s Thank God You’re Here.

    Make more episodes of that and put that at 7pm weeknights…even on repeats on a sunday night it’s getting over a million…imagine new episodes

  2. Instead of coming up with a “new franchise”, why don’t the bright minds at Ten invest in some good old-fashioned scripted drama, or even comedy?

    Still, better another reality TV series than a million-and-one half hour factual shows!

  3. I’ll also miss BB. Channel nine and channel seven i think would of never made it good as channel ten even though this years house was gay Ch nine would of made it with boring people and so would Ch seven the host wouldn’t know what to do and not that much people would watch i hope Ch ten have something good in store because nothing could replace BB. I agree with the people who said they wouldn’t mind the UK version but i don’t no about the US

  4. New franchise idea! 10 couples all work together to build a house, couples are voted off weekly, the final couple wins the house! They could call it Build-a-House!

  5. I agree with a lot of the above. I am a huge fan of BB and stuck with it through all seasons but it lost its way and became only a shadow of its former self in the past couple of years. I think people need the chance to miss the show before it could even be considered for re-launch and don’t think Seven or Nine would have done it justice anyway.

    I would love to see some of the UK stuff on our screens even if it is late at night. I am really enjoying Alan Sugar The Apprentice, even in the 10.30 timeslot – also loving Survivior Micronesia at 10.30.

    I wish I could say that I was confident that Ten will come up with something that was as compelling as BB in its heyday – but somehow I doubt it.

  6. Bugger I will miss BB wonder what ten has replaced it with probably another dating show

    as for overseas versions of BB I love the uk one but I watched one episode of the US one and it is as boring as batshit one of the housemates even got to talk to their family obviously the US version doesn’t realize that the idea of BB is to lock people n a house with no contact with the outside world

  7. BB started to reflect society, nasty, fame hungry and unsympathetic to real people. The amount of fake tears and people trying to win with underhanded ways was terrible. The first three seasons were good then it just got so shallow and ten pushed it that way.

    To many show ponys and fake boobs and personalities wrecked what was originaly a good idea, but in all honesty watching a bunch of people in a house who then become famous for sitting in that house says a lot for what opinion networks and producers have of the viewer. very low! it also says a lot for what society has become. Andy warhol was right we are all desperate for our 15 minutes and some do whatever they can to keep it going. And most of them are talentless.

    For every talentless z grade reality star it shuts out at least 5 talented, trained industry people who then have to either leave the country to make it or give up because scraping for a living is too hard.

    Wow what a rant!!!!

  8. I really think the show got to a place where the best place for it would be foxtel although they apparently don’t want it.

    Maybe if they ever launch a reality tv channel.

    The show on foxtel though, have a 24 hour streaming channel, then you could get a lot of other programming from it as well. Daily shows, adults only, panel discussions and much more than could ever be shown on normal tv.

    Personally as a fan thats what i’d want.

  9. alex: No sure if you’ve seen the US version of Big Brother, but it is nothing like the Australian one (and IMO doesn’t deserve the Big Brother name). They have three x 1 hour shows. I would love to see the UK version, but given the level of swearing (which is 1 hour, unedited and shown at 10pm in UK), can’t see it filling the 7pm void that ten have. And since ten’s second SD channel is all sports, they won’t show Big Brother on that channel either.

  10. I don’t think Seven or Nine would really know what to do with the format and it needs at least 12 months rest. I think Ten should try screening the UK version (or even US or UK Celebrity version in January) late night and see the response to a more adult product.

  11. Damn! I love that show!!! plz bring it back, or mayb show the usa version if you dont wanna invest in an aussie one!! Also where is Gossip Girl? Get it and play it now!

  12. glad no big brother but “devising another franchise” sounds terrifying, what else could it be but more reality tv and i’m so not interested in another reality show.

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