
Gallery: Australian Idol finale

Australian Idol's finale sung up a storm, in more ways than one, and crowned Wes Carr the winner for 2008.

Wes Carr has been crowned Australian Idol 2008. He defeated Luke Dickens at the Sydney Opera House tonight.

Australian Idol’s 2008 finale got underway outside the Sydney Opera House tonight.
Under rainy skies, it was the first time the show had staged an outdoor finale. The very first shot of the Opera House was through raindrops on the camera lens. The opening number ‘Can You Feel It’ probably had dual meaning to the soaked crowd in the Opera House forecourt.

Competing for the title were musician Wes Carr and shearer Luke Dickens, both from New South Wales. As with the first year of Idol, they were two males from the city and the bush.

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26 Responses

  1. @ Ben – “heys use” phonetic use of Jesus. Only in QLD would there be a spell check for ‘youse’. I think I’ll just use single-syllable words in future .

  2. I agree with David on the spoiler factor – if you don’t want to be spoiled on a show
    you’re watching later, avoid the media. Always been a golden rule.

    I didn’t especially care about being spoiled this year, as the contest has bored the crap out of me, the talent is non-existent at the pointy end and Wes was a lock to win it.

    Tony Harrison, absolutely spot-on description of the opening jazz-hands dance number!

    Andrew, I wouldn’t be bagging Kasey’s tambourine playing style after seeing Wes’s comedy-calibre knee-slapping-had-tossing during that same song, presumably trying to be all John Butleresque 😀

  3. Not with post archiving tho Ben. With search and RSS it prefers the info in the title rather than buried somewhere. The other spoiler info you refer to is related to stuff that hasn’t yet aired, particularly American stuff. TV Tonight policy has always been once it airs in Oz it is open slather, or the site gets left behind other media. For major events like this there won’t be any change.

    Aired = publishable.

  4. Fair enough… up to the minute information does make this blog worth reading

    a simple *spoilers follow* heads up would be nice, as you’ve done with other posts on other topics. And not posting the winning info on the front page.

    Damn QLD’s lack of daylight saving…

    @ Tony Harrison – the correct spelling is “Youse”. It’s added to every spell checker north of the border so as to not slow down the flow of communication.

  5. So glad Wes won!

    It was a pretty cool finale, even with the rain. It was really entertaining, laid back and it ran smoothly. None of the swapping from out of the Opera House to inside the Opera House, just performance after performance and then the Winner’s announcement. If they had any brains, they wouldve done that every year! Thanks to Kyle for suggesting that.. it worked.

  6. Now looking forward to Idol 2009 – country boy with karaoke experience; ; ‘altenative’ chick with wailing voice; cute girl who’s good in auditions but hopeless in front of an audience; and sympathy vote for guy/girl whose life has been crap and this is the last role of the dice.
    I thought this was the year Marcia was gonna get off the splintered fence!! Dream on. Time for a new female judge. Anyone will do – except for Tina (look at me I’m Judy Garland) Arena.

  7. Idol Finale! Woot! Big Brother in just over 4 months… Oh wait, they canned BB for a failed cooking show, didn’t they.

    I wish Channel 0 would be sport, sport, sport, big brother. I mean, people-watching is a sport all of its own…

  8. Whenever I log a major event like this it is after it has gone to air in Australia.

    I’ve always done Big Brother, Biggest Loser, Aust Got Talent, Dancing with the Stars, Supermodel, ANTM, even AFL etc very swiftly after its aired. You will notice other sites also have the info up straight away, so TV Tonight can’t lag behind. Changing the practice would only add confusion for those who are interstate.

    For events that haven’t aired in Oz, I always hold off ie, Eurovision, Oscars until they have broadcast on the East Coast.

    That said, I even put a reminder I was publishing live in today’s Top Pick beside Idol.

  9. David, gotta love the promos run during day by Ten.
    Best ever aust Idol…closest ever Aust idol, every vote is important – err Pardon excet for 25mins when we published wrong numbers and…
    Don’ know about you folks but i am getting sick of the continual “best ever” closest ever” lines being thrown out by all networks every year, every contest

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