
TV Tonight turns two!

January 5 marks the second birthday of this blog. Happy Birthday, gang!

January 5th marks the second birthday for TV Tonight. That’s a lot of man-hours slaving over a keyboard for the sake of telly!

But I’m pleased to report it has been worthwhile thanks to the continued support, comments and traffic by you…

There were 0 comments on the first post on the first day in January 2007. Now some stories attract a bucketload of boquets and brickbats (usually directed at networks). Aside from messageboards, there were barely any serious blogs on Australian television back then -while American TV blogs were breaking stories and proving the value of online, independent comment.

In its 2 year existence TV Tonight has broken stories, interviewed stars / writers / directors / producers and network executives. It is regularly read by media journos, many of whom consult for comment and information. In the last few weeks alone TV Tonight has been referenced in articles in The Australian, The Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, The Sun-Herald, and during 2008 in The Age and Herald Sun. There have recently been radio spots on 3AW, ABC and 2GB recently and last year Channels Nine and TEN both quoted reviews in on air promotions.

But the site is for you, the fan of Aussie telly.

We love TV when it gets it right (there were some great new shows in 08) and loathe it when it aims too low, cuts corners or gets lousy treatment from programmers. Some of us get as fervent over networks as much as our football teams or political parties. It’s not just the shows networks air, it’s the way they conduct their business and the spin they push in pursuit of our attention. And like politics, when we have a healthy opposition, everybody wins.

The days of a viewer simply turning on a TV and watching what was spoon-fed to them are no more. Similarly, the days of a critic merely saying “this is a good show or a bad show and here’s why” are gone. Now they have to stay on top of innumerable programming changes, fastracking, American and British trends, pay television, Freeview, EPGs, high definition television, and technology including IQ2, TiVo and mobile. And that’s just for starters…

In 2009 TV Tonight plans more advancements to entertain and inform you, calling networks to account and deconstructing Australian television in ways that conventional media rarely consider. It will continue to log stories in the wider press with extra comment, plus originally-generated content and interviews.

And have a bit of fun doin’ it.

Standby this week for the results of the reader survey on 2008 television, followed soon by the end of a summer hiatus and return to normal blogging.

Thanks for the last twelve months, guys. Here’s to the next…


70 Responses

  1. Can You spot the Error in This Paragraph?

    In 2008 TV Tonight plans more advancements to entertain and inform you, calling networks to account and deconstructing Australian television in ways that conventional media rarely consider. It will continue to log stories in the wider press with extra comment, plus originally-generated content and interviews.

    Anyway, Happy Birthday TV Tonight! May there be many more!!!!!

  2. Happy Birthday David for the second year of your blog. Thanks for not leaving any viewer out being very objective and fair and critical where there is confusion. Also, your interviews, reviews for not only shows but how networks allow comments and criticisms.

    Hope the networks could listen to the viewers alot more particularly the loyal and committed viewers.

    Thanks again David

  3. I found about your site when you were a guest on Boxcutters and between that show and this site I find all my TV information needs met – I no longer bother with the mainstream media.

    Happy birthday and thanks for all the work you put in to the site.

  4. Thank you David.
    As I have said privately, you post without fear or favour and offer unbiased point of view.Your insights are most welcome in this home and influence what I watch on TV.
    Most so, the continual “programming changes” that irritate me no end.
    Happy birthday TV tonight.
    Let’s keep the people that keep telling us they are the best in Tv – honest.

  5. i came across the site a few weeks ago, and now read it almost everyday, i think tv tonight is a great site that offers in depth analysis of tv in australia, i also enjoy the comments as well as the opinion of the viewers is most important, something tv tonight understands but the fta networks unfortunately do not.

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