
So You Think You Can Stunt?

So You Think You Can Dance borrows an ambush idea and comes up with a lunchtime treat.

sytycd9iMore “viral” marketing this week with the unleashing of a YouTube-style stunt for So You Think You Can Dance Australia.

A group of dancers bombarded a Pitt Street Food Court with an ‘impromptu’ dance, smack bang in the middle of unsuspecting customers.

Much like a T Mobile stunt in a London Railway station, TEN says it filmed the scene via four hidden cameras.

Maria Michael, TEN’s executive producer for digital video said, “We worked with the marketing department to come up with it. They had a bit of a rehearsal, then went for it. It was right at the start of the year. All the customers in the video were real.”

“It hasn’t been in the press yet but we are getting a lot of views and that’s the point of doing something viral,” she told website Mumbrella.

It’s almost The Chaser’s “If Life Were a Musical” ambush.

Here’s the British stunt by T Mobile.

Source: Mumbrella

6 Responses

  1. Whoa that T Mobile thing was spectacular. I’ve always wanted that to happen for everyone to just burst out into dance like that haha.

    I watched the T Mobile thing first so I was a bit meh about the whole SYTYCD thing.

  2. “It hasn’t been in the press yet but we are getting a lot of views and that’s the point of doing something viral,” she told website Mumbrella.

    Views: 1,137 – after 5 days…

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