
It’s a jungle out there in Queensland

What the? Now Underbelly is blamed for a rise in Queensland crime.

underbelly-tale1Sheesh. Queensland Police have (apparently) blamed Underbelly for a “dramatic increase in armed robberies and home invasions” in southeast Queensland.

In just under four weeks, 39 armed holdups and nine home invasions have been reported by police, who say the popular crime series is inspiring young offenders to commit more violent offences in a futile effort to attain “druglord” status.

“We’re seeing a lot more incidents where offenders are using standover tactics and violence to settle drug debts. They seem to think it’ll earn them respect but all it does is get them arrested,” said a senior officer from the Metropolitan North Region.

Griffith University criminologist Professor Ross Homel said media can influence behaviour, but he notes “the economic climate is having a greater impact.”

Nowhere in the article does it suggest crime also went up as a result of Beyond the Darklands, whether it went down as a result of The Force, whether it went up last year when Underbelly was also on, whether there were no crimes occuring between 8:30pm and 9:30pm because they were all home watching the show or whether they were flashing boobies and dodgy NZ accents while they were committing the acts.

Source: Courier Mail

10 Responses

  1. you have to admit that it does glamourise crime, and the media have given celebrity status to people like roberta williams who go on ACA and today tonight and any other program that offers. lots of people want to be famous, and this makes them think that being a criminal will get them that, and sad fact is that it does, at least for this batch of low lives it did. i really hope they don’t get paid for their appearances or any consulting they do for the show, there are laws against proceeds of crime and they really don’t deserve to earn money for being scum.

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