
Returning: Burn Notice

Burn Notice fans you have been heard. It's coming back to Thursday nights.

burn_noticeBurn Notice fans you have been heard.

The show is back at 9:30pm Thursday August 20th on TEN.

The episode is “Double Booked” S2E8.

Fans of the show, oughta get behind this one. I suspect TEN is a bit dubious this will work, but they are hearing some love for it so I’d be getting behind this one. At least that’s the way I read this, based on previous conduct of shuffling, dumping and fan protest.

It also helps that the series just won another renewal in the US.

32 Responses

  1. sweet… im speechless i was probably running round house goin crazy 4 min b4 i started riting buht i’m shocked in a satisfied way that they actually didnt ditch

    all that matters atm is ”BN is back” and im down 4 that lol

    watch guys and spread the good stuff just like telstra does 😀

  2. I for one can’t wait for Burn Notice to come back, it’s been far too long. This show rates really well on USA Network in the US and is a nice change from all the reality shows on TV. I’ve already seen all the episodes courtesy of the internet but I’m thrilled it’s finally back on TV here.

  3. So happy to hear this is comign back!! It’s huge in the US, being shown on several channels, with promos and comps and all kinds of things. It’s a great, fun show. I don’t understand why it didn’t do better but being shafted around didn’t help.

  4. Pete, they played those episodes during the Olympics last year. This is where Ten are up to.

    Ryan, I have already watched and enjoyed these episodes. Ten only care if people with Oztam boxes are watching.

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