
Foxtel too hot for MA15+

Foxtel has vowed to clean up its content following several shows with nudity and sexual content deemed too racy for an MA classification.

wildonFoxtel has vowed to clean up its content after the Australian Communications and Media Authority found that it aired programmes breaching the MA15+ classification.

They included programmes that had received an R18+ classification from the Classification Board due to impactful nudity and sexual content.

The shows in question were Cathouse – (Showtime Channel), The Wonderful World of Sex (The Comedy Channel) and Naked Wild On (E! Entertainment Channel).

In an episode of The Wonderful World of Sex, the National Classification Board indicated a woman at a sex show rubs her hands over the genitals of another woman simulating clitoral stimulation. Nudity was considered high in impact, transgressing the classification it had been given of MA15+.

The Comedy Channel website indicates: “It’s all MA rated and cheaper than the adult channel – brilliant!.”

In Naked Wild On! (pictured) American students are seen dancing, drinking and with full nudity, including with narration that increased its impact. One girl who was hosed down removed her underwear with a close up of her genitals. Its episodes are include the titles ‘Buxom Beauties’, ‘Latin American Hotties’ and ‘Even Nakeder.’

Content higher than MA15+ can only be shown on narrowcasting such as the Adult Channel with lockout.

“The ACMA considers classification-related breaches which are at the upper threshold of what may be broadcast on Australian television as particularly serious. While recognising the challenges faced by Foxtel in providing a large number of channels to consumers, the ACMA has particular concerns about the contractual arrangements licensees have in place for the classification of programming,” said Chris Chapman, ACMA Chairman.

Foxtel has now agreed to put in place more rigorous classification procedures including employing a full-time, experienced, in-house classifier, sending staff to annual training conducted by the Classification Board and developing, implementing and maintain a classification compliance strategy.

All channels will now confirm in writing that they will comply with the strategy.

This is the first time an enforceable undertaking has been offered and accepted from the Pay TV sector, following a similar undertaking by Nine in relation to Underbelly and Gordon Ramsay.

“By offering the ACMA an enforceable undertaking, Foxtel has acknowledged the seriousness of the classification breach findings and taken a responsible approach with a view to ensuring that breaches of this nature do not occur again,” said Mr Chapman.

“While many aspects of the undertaking are formal codification of initiatives recently instituted by Foxtel in response to better understandings gleaned by it through the investigations, Foxtel’s professional and thoughtful approach is acknowledged. In particular, the embedding of the Classification Compliance Policy in third-party channel agreements is a noteworthy initiative.”

TV Tonight is currently conducting an Audience Inventory including questions on Pay TV,  issues of classification, late-night adult advertisements and punishment for Breaches of Codes of Practice. The survey closes on August 31st.

36 Responses

  1. If I remember correctly, this all Brian Harradines fault – he was the one that made R18+ material restricted to narrowcast channels, and wouldn’t pass anything less…

  2. Underbelly s2 had far more naked male & female front & back nudity, but Showcase’s “Satsifaction” series is more sexier & has many stimulated sex scenes.

  3. This country’s stuffed! Mind you, it’s the greatest country in the world.

    Grow some balls Foxtel and then televise them in HD, during primetime.

  4. Seems to me that censorship was getting in the way of correct classification.

    @ Leon, do they actually classify those films R though?

    My knowledge of Pay TV censorship of sketchy at best, but I always thought it was legal to air R rated material, just uncommon.

  5. i assumed foxtel could show r18+ content on any of their channels as sometimes mainstream r18+ movies are shown on the movie channels. i guess no one must have complained before so the amca would have ben powerless to act. it’s ridiculous how you can see r18+ movie at the cinemas and on dvd, but not on tv. why should everything shown on tv be suitable for a 15 year old(ma15+)

  6. This may sound prudish, but I’d prefer it if exploitative nudity was kept off TV. There’s a time and place for that kind of thing, and domestic TV isn’t it.

    But then, my approach to nakedness is a complicated case of affairs.

  7. Seems like a perfect opportunity for Showtime to take one of those extra channels and turn it into “Showtime: Adults Only” or something like that.

    Still peeves me though. If I want to watch smut, I’ll watch it. I don’t want someone telling me what I’m capable to handle.

  8. One would think the titles would be enough for those with delicate constitutions to get the hint and steer clear – ‘Naked Wild On’ or ‘The Wonderful World of Sex’ – pretty much gives it away I’d have thought.

  9. Aren’t all these shows shown after midnight in any case? The same time that you can see on free to air subscription mobile ads offering you alot worse than anything you see on TV? Just a phone call away?

  10. When will these clowns let us – we fine folk – make decisions on what to watch, for ourselves? Is this freaking North Korea or China all of a sudden?

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