
Foxtel to axe Ovation Channel

Arts lovers get bad news as the Ovation Channel is told it will no longer be broadcast on Foxtel from early 2010.

RieuThe Ovation Channel is set to disappear from Foxtel and Austar platforms in early 2010.

A statement appears on the Ovation Channel’s website which says:

The Ovation Channel has been advised that from early next year it will no longer be broadcast on Foxtel.

As a result Ovation will also not be available on Austar.

In the meantime, Ovation will continue to provide you with the excellent arts and entertainment programming that you have enjoyed for over 13 years.

Ovation thanks you, its large and loyal audience, and invites you to make a comment if you wish.

The channel, which focusses on classical music, concerts, theatre, ballet, and the performing arts, was started by Optus TV and sold to Sydney based firm Independent Entertainment in 2006. It also airs on the SelecTV subscription network.

The channel is popular with many elderly viewers, and has been almost single-handedly responsible for the success of Andre Rieu in Australia. Some have cheekily branded it “Channel Andre.”

Its original hosts have included Leo Schofield, Ita Buttrose, Glenn A. Baker, Lenny Bartulin, Michelle Hanna and Cyrus Meher-Homji. It supports several arts organisations including Sydney Symphony, The Australian Ballet, Glen Street Theatre and the Australian Chamber Orchestra. This year it recorded specials at the Adelaide Cabaret Festival including Bernadette Peters.

Whilst the reasons behind the move are unclear, the channel was included in the new pricing packages as part of the Knowledge & Adventure in early November. A new satellite giving Foxtel extra capacity for its new channels went up in August. Only last week Foxtel  included the channel on its list of current widescreen channels to TV Tonight.

At this stage it is unknown when the channel will exit the platforms, if it will be replaced with a new Arts channel, or whether subscribers will see a reduction in their subscription package.

The Ovation website is also encouraging viewers to express their feelings to Foxtel via email [email protected]

TV Tonight will be following this story with interest….

UPDATED March 9: Ovation will no longer be on Foxtel packages, to be replaced by arts channel STVDIO, but will become available as an add-on channel from June 1st at $9.95 per month. More info.

79 Responses

  1. I would like a refund on the money I paid in November. I joined for 12 months as my husband has a terminal illness [mesothelioma] i thought this would help him get through his days with something he enjoyed to watch, what a dissapointment . mrs Janice Bassett. Please credit said moneys to the account it was withdrawn from.

  2. Half of you below are all ridiculously contradictory. Firstly, most have suggested “other channels be axed” instead. Why? Because You don’t like them? Just like there’s a demographic out there who love Ovation, there’s a demographic who love FTV or Fox8 or whatever else. So they axe one of those and the same thing happens. Outcry. So that point is just stupid.
    Secondly, Ovation wasnt getting enough viewers to sustain itself on Foxtel. They pay a fee to be a part of Foxtel, nobody watches, therefor they can’t pay the fee – and so, they’re axed and a window opens for another channel in the same category to come on board and give it a crack. Clearly Ovation wasn’t popular enough.
    And thirdly, in reference to the first point, if anything Foxtel should either bring the monthly charge down if they remove a channel or replace it. In this case they’ve replaced it. So nobody can say they don’t get the same amount of channels they did before.
    Anyway, personally I love Jazz and I’m 26. So I don’t necessarily fit in the “old” demographic. But I’m also realistic, Foxtel is a business and Ovation couldn’t financially afford to be a part of Foxtel any longer.
    End of story.

  3. That’s it. Foxtel no longer. How-to channel gone and plenty of dud channels left to give us contued repeats with very little new content. Cancelling subscription from end of March never to return. The two channels that older Australia enjoy’s lost. Ned Cole

  4. I was very disappointed when The Ovation channel was taken off our screens. The best channel you had. That decision alone tips me to cancel my subscription. The amount of adds you show one would think we were watching normal TV. Foxtel take note, we have supported you for about 6 or 7 years, too long. The bill goes up every year the value is not there and we are considering dumping you and going with free to air TV, as it now has plenty of channels to choose from showing most of the shows we have to pay you for. People are doing it tough and the decision to cancel becomes easier. One last thing can you please explain why you charge $19.95 for the RAI channel and AUSTAR only charges $13.95.


    Carmel Manitta
    Unhappy Foxtel Customer

  5. This action by Foxtel to delete from its programming such an outstanding musical / variety channel is say the least disgusting and the ACCC should look into this action as taken by foxtel No other word for it but disgusting and appears to be made in poor judgement by Foxtel on this occasion An urgent revue should be undertaken of this decision by those persons involve in this decision in conjunction with ACCC.

  6. OMG I had no idea this was happening until I went to switch channels tonight and I am devastated 🙁
    Foxtel, this wasn’t just a channel for older people (who you clearly aren’t interested in). I’m 25 and Love Ovation. We are moving in a month or so and I’m not sure we will continue with our Foxtel subscription when we do. It’s ridiculous the increased prices you are charging for programs you have screened again and again. Axing Ovation is the icing on the cake. Perhaps you should ask your customers what they want in future????

  7. I am so amazed that Foxtel/Austar are cancelling Ovation.
    I will happily cancel Austar if there is some way that Ovation can be presented in some other way

  8. Typical Corporate Enterprise, axe a popular channel, offer same channel for $9.95 additional cost one month later. Talking about gouging here.
    I know how to vote, with my feet.

  9. We are devastated to learn of the impending loss of Ovation, the only channel that caters to the tastes of older viewers like ourselves.

    And we are really fed up with the way Optus has become a tool of Foxtel and its policy of providing less service for more money.

  10. We are devastated to learn that Ovation is to be axed. It is the only channel included in our basic Optus package that offers quality popular classical music – the popularity of which can be judged by the demand for Andre Rieu DVD’s and et ythe massive attendance at his Australian concerts, for example. There is little enough entertainment that caters for older viewers these days without the callous withdrawal of a much loved favourite and its replacement by yet another doomed-to-fail attempt to engage younger viewers’ interest in ‘culture’.

  11. No loss. When I first subscribed to Foxtel in about 2002, Ovation was brilliant. I’m a jazz fan and the only place to see any was on Ovation. They had weekly programs, and regular content. I wrote to Ovation some time ago, questioning the dramatic change in content, and the endless Andre Bloody Rieu. Didn’t even get a reply, so Ovation can go jump, and good riddance.

  12. I have been thinking of disconnecting foxtel for some time.After we loose Ovation it will make my decition so much easier.As per other comments there are a lot of channels on Foxtel that should be axed first.

  13. Ovation will still be showing on Select TV – their basic service is only $37.95 and it is already included.
    And Foxtel charging Ovation a $9.95 a month “licence” fee it is a money making scheme from Foxtel
    As Evan sais there are plenty of other channels Foxtel could get rid of and no one would care.

  14. Are you mad Foxtel? With all the continual repeats, too numerous ads, out-dated programs, it makes me wonder Why we silly, desperate people are continuing to support you. Ovation was the jewel in your crown. P l e a s e re-consider…..we personally cannot afford the extra subscription fee to keep Ovation beaming into our home…it wil be sadly missed.

  15. Why is it they are taking the Ovation Channel off Austar. This is about the only channel I watch that brings us good concerts, music and entertainment. Looking through the Arts programme we are losing all of this this.
    Fees for pay tv are constantly going up yet we have good channel taken off us.
    Select tv looks good to me.

  16. well foxtel you have lost me as a customer …. because you over the last two years you have continued to increased commercial on what is advertised as a
    commercial “free” station, …. and now you are taking away the ovation channel
    you have become too gready. bye for good. …. after seven years

  17. To hear that Ovation will no longer be available is more than disappointing to my husband and myself. Since we started with Austar there have been many changes to programmes and very few for the better. We have been unable to watch Sky News from England at a reasomable hour for some time and we very nearly stopped subscribing way back then. I’m afraid that we will not be bothering with pay TV any longer. Ovation channel was a real eye-opener to us and now, with the money we save, we will simply purchase more DVDs and watch the shows we really enjoy, which were all discovered courtesy of Ovation.
    And a word to those who scoff at ‘oldies’ for enjoying Andre Rieu – the young man with ear-rings who sold me my first Andre DVD told me most excitedly that he and his girlfriend were also going to Andre’s concert in Melbourne. My youngest grand-daughter has been an Andre fan since she was two years old, and when asked what she would like for her fifth birthday, she said she would love an Andre DVD or Celtic Woman.
    Ovation will be missed.

  18. So sorry to hear the announcement the last couple. I sure hope the new arts channel will be just as good. I can assure you I will not pay extra for it. I have been a foxtell member for at least 8 years, and I think there are other cjhannells they could cut – example the fasion channel.

  19. Why, close Ovation , that is the only good entertainment on YV.
    For elderly people Ovation is the only chance to watch, Andre Rieu,Helmut Lotti, The celtic Woman, The Priests ect.

    Get rid of other rubbish channels.

    Sigrid Niemeyer

  20. I am very disappointed that Ovation is being axed. I don’t understand the why’s and wherefores of Foxtel, but I do watch this channel a lot. I am sick and tired of all the other channels showing the same repeat programmes constantly over & over again. I love Andre Rieu, Helmut Lotti, and would never have discovered them if it wasn’t for Ovation. Isn’t there enough infommercials on free to air, without paying subscribers having to have more on Foxtel?
    Please put a stop this madness of axing Ovation. We older generation do not constantly want to watch the sometimes ludicrous reality shows that we are bombarded with on the other channels. Or the stupid B grade movies that certain channels show. We have enough sports & news channels, so why axe a channel that brings a bit of class and enjoyment to a lot of people that appreciate the finer things in life. Shame shame shame Foxtel

  21. I was horrified to learn about the axing of Ovation. During my husband’s illness we used to get great enjoyment from watching the Ovation channel and his death was a great loss to me, but continuing to watch Ovation has provided me with an escape and helped to get me through the worst of the grieving process. Being reduced to living on a single pension I have fought tooth and nail to keep up my subscription to Foxtel so that I can continue to enjoy Ovation. Now, without warning or consultation, that source of comfort is going to be taken away. Who has decided that fine music and enjoyment of all things cultural is a luxury that paying viewers no longer deserve? I hope there is a good explanation for such contemptuous treatment towards loyal subscribers.

  22. Ovation is the only reason I subscribe to Foxtel and if it is axed I will have no further need of Foxtel. What a lot of money I’ll save!

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