★★★★★ 0/5
Nine adds new Sheen to Wednesday..and then dumps it
Update: Nine added first-run eps of Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory to Wednesday and then changed its mind.
- Published by David Knox
- on
- Filed under Programming
Just days to go but still the changes keep comin’ thru…
Nine has just announced a new episode of Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory to air tomorrow night at 7:30 / 8:00pm.
They will replace a repeat of Men and What’s Good For You This Summer, the latter is bumped to next week.
27.9 and counting….
UPDATE: Cancel that.
We’re back to two repeats of Two and a Half Men. Crazy times….
- Tagged with The Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men, What's Good For You
34 Responses
I honestly wish the government would revoke Nine’s licence to air a tv channel. Because they repeatedly abuse their privilege.
They’ve show 2 1/2 men so often that it’s becoming possible to quote whole sections of the show without even trying…ditch this notion that Charlie and the gang, or good old Bert and his countdowns are suitable bandaids to plaster over a terminally woeful programming schedule.
Forget the first aid measures – this channel needs a transfusion of new shows to bring it back to health.
How hard is it for Nine to go back to the Drawing Board for something new and different for their evening comedy and light entertainment line ups.
I can’t believe that Sheen gets more air time on Nine than Humphrey Bear,Hi 5,A Current Affair,Hot Seat,Postcards or any of Nines Home Grown Programming except for Crime Shows and Football.
So are they back yet?
Somehow I don’t thing we’ll see Sale/Temptation on our screens again but maybe they need another game show instead of the constant 2.5 Men re-runs.
Even if you exclude the 7pm weekday showing, it’s still way too much Two and a Half Men. I have never seen a show scheduled like this before…
2.5men for 9 is like 9.5 times a day. Just give up on them, they’re due for a cutting and by the way if nine want to flip flop they might want that as a game show title and not a network motive. Maybe Morello could sell them some joy!
I just viewed an ad for this with Nine billing three repeat episodes of 2.5 Men in a row as a Special Event. How can it be a Special Event if it happens every other week of the year.
It is Thirty Years in 2010 since Sale of the Century which was later known as Temptation first aired was first aired way back in 1980.
I amongst many other people found it rather insulting that they dropped a high rating intelligent game show that is entertaining for a crappy US sitcom.I can understand dropping it for the Price is Right but for 2.5 men is a disgrace
I would rather Nine pay the extra to make Temptation or to Bring Back the Price is Right at any cost than have to put up with what is essentially a modern day take on the old My Two Dads,My Two Wives,Different Strokes concept.
ill tell u why Nine can’t put Temptation on, because it costs too bloody much to produce!
@Tim Jong – I tell you one thing – if Sale/Temptation was to air daily at a regular hour – be it 7PM or 5:30 (or whatever) I would be tuning in each day, for sure!!
Channel Nine, your best asset in the stupid ‘lead-in’ challenge is Temptation…. A universally wholesome and entertaining gameshow, without any smug or trashy feel… Purely good fun… Have a go over Summer with it – most bloggers here love it (you listening?)…
Why can’t Nine put Sale of the century or Temptation on a couple of nights??
This meta-entertainment with their scheduling is starting to get out of hand…
Any news of more 2 1/2 men episodes or reshuffles and additions are no longer news – they are the SOP for the SOB’s at Nine… Verrry tiresome.
I guess they figured out that 2.5 Men re-runs will rate just as well as new so why ‘waste’ them with little advertising. Or the monkey in charge of the press release when crazy… does it matter?
I was actually looking forward to a new episode of The Big Bang Theory.
Maybe they should have 2 episodes of that on tomorrow ?
They have also dumped their programming changes page on gochannel.com.au… I can’t seem to find it.
I am a supporter of 9 but WTF?! This is just stupid. Their games are wearing thin.
One of the commentators on the Twenty/20 game from the Gabba (I watched yesty, I record everthing so I don’t have to see the ads) said, “don’t forget to watch two and a half men tonight, it’s got charlie sheen in it”, I fell down laughing. Watch 2.5 men, yeah right, be better off putting that on GO1 and sticking Hogans Heroes on 9, at least it’s funny. Note to self: have fast forward button ready for programme plugs during Test matches
lol pathetic
Another day, another change for ch9. Typical.
Will a new 2.5 Men mid week rate more than the re-run?
I guess we’ll get endless ads over the next 24 hours about it now…
Oh this is just sad sad programming
Awesome news about BBT.
Thanks for the heads up David.
Nine and GO! loooooove their sitcoms . Seinfeld marathons on GO! better not mean 2.5 men marathons on Nine.