Airdate: Doctor Who: The End of Time
EXCLUSIVE: TV Tonight announces when Australia will see Doctor Who: The End of Time.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
EXCLUSIVE: TV Tonight can finally reveal the Australian airdates for Doctor Who: The End of Time Parts 1 & 2.
Part 1 will screen at 7:30pm Sunday February 14 on ABC1.
Part 2 will follow a week later 7:30pm Sunday February 21 on ABC1.
The two part adventure brings to an end the reign of David Tennant as The Doctor and introduces Matt Smith, briefly, in the second part. The episodes aired in the UK on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, topping 10.4m viewers for Tennant’s exit.
Tennant is widely viewed by many, including die-hard Who fans, of being the best of the 10 actors to have assumed the role of The Doctor.
Critics in the UK were particularly rapturous about the second episode pointing to its mix of adventure, jeopard, emotion and sentiment.
Appearing in the mammoth adventure are John Simms (Life on Mars), who returns as The Master, Timothy Dalton (The Living Daylights, Licence to Kill) and former Who favourites who have helped distinguish the Tennant era.
“The End of Time” also signifys the end of Russell T. Davies (Torchwood, Queer as Folk) reign with writer Steven Moffat (Doctor Who, Jekyll) taking charge as Showrunner.
Matt Smith (Party Animals), the youngest-ever actor to assume the role, will lead a new Who series to air later this year.
- Tagged with Doctor Who, Jekyll, Life on Mars, Party Animals, Queer as Folk, Torchwood
38 Responses
The End of time – The Master rules supreme and the Time Lords return. All hail the Time Lords!
Gallifrey – The endless whirl of the Time Vortex.
The ABC is a complete waste of money and should be shut down tomorrow to be replaced by something useful and/or worthwhile. There is really no valid excuse for their demand that every Australian either break the law or wait until the ABC can be bothered actually showing shows (which is what they allegedly do for a living).
As far as I am concerned, if there is more than a couple of days delay, I’ll watch elsewhere and watch it again in six months when the TV scumbags decide they can be bothered showing it.
ABC 1-3 should immediately be reverted to one ABC channel that sucks 3 times less than the current arrangement.
Unfortunately I have already seen both parts to End Of Time. The story was alright but don’t get your hopes up like I did and I found it terribly disappointing I was kinda hoping more from Russell T Davies but its in his style of Dr Who finales. RTD is a great writer but sci fi isn’t his strength.
What gets me is that with the world these days being on the net you would think the ABC would air it sooner as most would probably watch the episodes elsewhere. The ABC is and will lose viewers and that means money too. *shrugs*
I can’t wait to see the new series with Matt Smith and Steve Moffat taking head writer should be very exciting to what I saw on the first preview to the new series.
some interesting comments above. Why can’t the ABC show Xmas Specials around the christmas periods – New Year? we’ll always behind in doctor Who like with the classic series. While rest of the world sees it before us or why can’t UKTV show it , like it did with Torchwood? but yes the ABC has the first option in showing it first.
I think most fans are not waiting and getting it from the web which it is widely available and the UK DVD release is coming out this week.?
It is also important to remember that when it comes to telly shows like Doctor Who, the ABC has to be very judicious on its cost to the budget.
A few years back, I was informed by a senior member of the ABC that they can’t simply fast-track Doctor Who because the cost is paid out of the next financial year’s budget. That is why we always get it around July (when it’s a full series, I mean). I expect that this year’s smattering of episodes was paid for in the 09/10 budget, so ABC have the rights to screen the program at their discretion.
Which does, admittedly, raise the question of why they couldn’t fast-track the Waters Of Mars and the End of Time two-parter. It was already paid for, supposedly.
That being said, viewers should seriously not miss Episode Two – it’s a corker! I was actually quite stunned at the quality of the presentation, it was almost like watching a (decent) Star Wars movie! I was blown away by how they could achieve such a visual feast on a television budget. The Mill should get huge kudos for that work!
I am excited about Matt Smith taking over the role. In the very short moments he has as the new Doctor, he shows great potential and I am comfortable that Moffat and his team know exactly what they are doing.
Every time a new actor assumes the role, there are naysayers amongst the hardcore fan base, and every time they eventually eat their words. I remember fondly the eruption about Tennant taking the role, after Eccleston’s sole year.
Being on ABC has nothing to do with when it can be seen here, that has more to do with the rights from the BBC, if 7, 9 or TEN had the rights I doubt it would be on sooner, just look at Top Gear. Nine now has the rights but is unlikely to air the latest series until after the Winter Games, some 5 months after they started to air.
Back to The Doctor Who final. I was lucky enough to see both parts (those red-eye flights to the UK are a killer LOL) Together they make a complete story, IMO it would have been better for ABC to air it on the one night and not a week apart. and maybe without the delay but again it comes down to the BBC and probably ratings (even for the ABC) having them in February and not January.
To “Doctor Whom”: The DVD and blu-ray will be available for purchase in UK and hence other legal websites starting Monday 11 Jan 2010. So you don’t have to wait if you don’t want to and it is absolutely legal! I have reserved my copy! :)
To “DougalLongfoot”: The DVD for Hamlet starring David Tennant is available for sale in UK now.
@Mandy– Thankyou!! You are the exact example of my point! You’re so lucky to have seen the first already, non illegally. I’m eternally jealous!! :P
Any chance of seeing the David Tennant / Patrick Stewart Hamlet here in Australia?
@DoctorWhom – I’m die hard, I was lucky enough to see ep1 (no I didn’t download it, if I had I’d have seen part 2 by now and not be hanging in suspense!) and I will absolutely watch it again live, probably have a viewing party in fact. There is a special excitement in seeing it live to air, knowing that the country is watching with you, or as much of the country that admits the existence of the ABC anyway. It’s great television and it bears repeated watches for sure. (As does Children of Earth, god that was Amazing, my only complaint there is not showing it on five sequential nights as per original which worked really well. But I can see that would be hard for programmers.)
Also to those saying part 1 makes no sense – it is heavily reliant on you having followed the new series. It does explain with flashbacks for those who have not, but there’s no question that it’s rewarding the fans and consciously drawing a few old stories to a close. And I think it’s much richer for it which justifies the indulgence – allows characters to be less cyphers, more real and affecting.
david, I’m sorry for the length of comment
I enjoyed watching the 2nd part though :) it was definitely quite emotional like in this descriptions, but seriously ABC should really Fast-Track any good British or outer state show to Australia since this is just going to kill the ratings.