
Deal or no Deal in new ratings tussle

Another headache for Seven? Figures for Deal or no Deal are down so far this year.

With all the attention given to evening schedules, and the ratings war at breakfast, one could be forgiven for overlooking the game show war that leads into the News for Seven and Nine.

Between Deal or No Deal and Hot Seat, 2010 has not started so well for Seven.

The Andrew O’Keefe game show has taken a drop in ratings this year, allowing Nine’s Eddie McGuire show to snatch several winning nights.

Last week Deal‘s best figure was 558,000 viewers. Hot Seat reached 620,000. Of the four nights they were head to head, each won two apiece. In the corresponding week in 2009, before the McGuire show was competing, Deal was up to 833,000.

So far this week Deal has reached 606,000 while Hot Seat has scored 624,000 each winning a night.

But in the final weeks of 2009 Deal was up to 689,000 (Week 48), 655,000 (Week 47), 684,000 (Week 46), 897,000 (Cup Day of Week 45), and 729,000 (Week 44) when it regularly beat Hot Seat.

As a lead in to 6pm News, the shows are crucial.

This week Nine News has won two of two nights in Sydney and Melbourne. Last week Nine News won four nights in Sydney and three in Melbourne. While they may have been affected by other factors including Olympics, cricket, daylight saving and the appeal of Chris Bath, the real danger for Seven is if a trend continues after the Olympics finish.

That would put the network in a “No Deal” situation.

And just to be fair to everyone, it is still TEN News that wins the 5-6pm slot, up to 866,000 so far this week.

37 Responses

  1. Two things.
    -O’Keefe carries on like an idiot, and if he was half as funny as he thought he was he’d be the best comedian to have ever walked the face of the earth.
    -Secondly Deal or No Deal is a game of chance, there is no skill involved. I can never understand why O’Keefe keeps asking contestants what their strategy is, because its impossible to have one, its pure luck.

  2. I’m no Eddie fan, but when it comes to Hot Seat and Deal Or No Deal, there’s no comparison. Hot Seat is fast paced, you can play along at home and test your knowledge, and has substance. Deal Or No Deal is a show where everyday bogans open empty briefcases.

  3. It is those Out of Date Mash Reruns which do not help the ratings figures.What they need is some nineties or earlier part of this decade comedies out of all the shows they have as a lead in.Any Suggestions should be made to the local Channel 7 Studios in your home cities.

  4. Deal or No Deal has been on for ages – any show for that long inevitably goes a bit stale.

    I think Ch 7 should axe the show and do something that will gazzump Ch. 9……as in bring back the Sale of the Century format.

    Yes I know that was always a Ch. 9 show, but I don’t think they have endless rights to make it – and it’s mostly always been a perrenial hit, so why not?

    Maybe bring back Tony Barber and there could be some serious tussles going on!!

  5. The trouble with Deal is O’keefe, he is getting worse with each show.
    I watch Ten’s news and turn over to Seven when the weather comes on to see how much money is left and what deal is being offered.
    Seven should be embarrassed about the way O’Keefe is spoiling what was once a good show.

  6. Yep, Hot Seats doing a great job for 9.

    Since Hot Seat has been winning against DOND, 9’s Sydney and Melbourne News have gone back to number one with a bullet.

    It seems viewers have finally tired of seeing 26 people open a briefcase night after night.

  7. Bring back Weakest Link in a 5×30 minute format. Not sure quite how you’d do that, you’d have to start with six players, maybe. At least with this show, viewers can think and play along, unlike Deal.

  8. I’m so over Deal Or No Deal, it’s certainly become stale. You have the briefcase contestants saying they think they have the highest amounts so they get picked last, increasing their chances of getting a correct guess. Then you have contestants who all think they are psychics and know what’s in the cases when it’s just random. You only watch it to get satisfaction seeing greedy people losing huge amounts of money because they didn’t take the deal earlier. Seven, give us something different.

  9. @steven g. i don’t think so. deal has been on the slide for a while.

    these i reason i reckon deal is on the slide. it’s that flog that hosts the show. he is an unberable twit

  10. Why can’t Seven think outside the square? 5:30 needs to be reviewed (Brisbane particularly) urgently. Sure Price may get ratings, but look at the last big budget revival, Million Dollar Wheel… it didn’t last a month.

  11. Good to see Eddie’s salary going to some use 🙂

    I think Deal is suffering major burnout, its been on for 7 years in its current format, they could do some things to rejig it a bit, but perhaps its time to give it a shorter run.

    Maybe alternate Deal or No Deal with Price is Right (thats if 9 still doesn’t have the rights to it). Still think this is something of a blip, but 9’s momentum seems to be picking up for the start of 2010 and its hard to argue with that.

  12. I think this indicates how the lead in theory is wrong. Weeknights Seven News beats Nine News, but Hot Seat has been beating Deal lately.

    I don’t watch either, Wheel of Fortune and Price is Right were my game shows. I just watch Ten news and then Seven News.

  13. Lead ins affect about 0.5% of the population too lazy to change channels or those who are suckered in by ads saying things like “see it first on… [insert Nine or Seven here]” during the preceeding show.

    Seven News has better content than Nines – the worst part of Nine’s news is having one of their so-called exclusives that run 5 minutes within the first minute or two of the bulliten rather than going through the news stories of the day.

    Even more annoying is that Seven is actually starting to do the same on some nights. The longer “exclusive” stories like how bad our transport is should be left until after the news stories of the day have been covered – like what they do in the US where they have “special investigation” or “close up” segments later in the news.

  14. @ Rachel: Lol, that’s so true about Eddie helping out.

    i used to watch Deal, but when Hot Seat started, i started watching that. With Hot Seat, you can see how ”smart” you are at home, and beat other housemates, while Deal is just a guessing game and a little boring now

  15. I love watching Hot Seat to see how Eddiie helps the contestants every night! If they pick the wrong answer, he’ll always say, ‘you sure? Is that your final answer? Lock it in? You tell me to lock it in and I’ll lock it in? You still have ten seconds…’ and when they pick the right answer he immediately says ‘lock it in’.

  16. I really dont get this whole lead in rubbish. I don’t watch either of these shows, infact I can never find the right words to decribe how much I hate Andrew O’Keefe and his lowest common denominator show.
    I watch Seven news because it has more news than Nine. Although Seven has to have at least 3 pun jokes per story, it is better than Channel Nine, where every story is about football or cricket, or somehow related back to these two sports.
    I never watch a show because it has a good lead in, I’ll watch the show if it is decent.

  17. I am no fan of Eddie Mc… actually the man makes my skin crawl, but it was only a matter of time before Deal was beaten. IMO Hot seat is just a more cerebrally interesting show; Deal is like fairy floss, sweet and fluffy but no real substance. Hot Seat makes me think.

  18. I think Deal is stale now, Hot Seat is just an alternative. We have seen every type of person on Deal from Celebs to shy people and lucky bogans’ to so called experts. Maybe its time to re-visit a Family Feud or something???

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