
It’s about now I’m missing these guys

Sigh.... is it wrong to remember The Dream and The Ice Dream?

Sigh…. is it wrong to remember The Dream and The Ice Dream?

At the end of long-form sessions of Olympics you could always rely on Roy and HG to give us their own skewered-view of the games, with a robust, passionate look at games and the games atmosphere.

I know Greg Pickhaver recently hosted Bush Slam for the ABC, but it’s never quite the same without his partner.

Maybe Senator Conroy needs to add Roy and HG being back on the box as a condition of that $250m Rebate…

34 Responses

  1. The only part of any Olympic games I have ever watched was Roy and HG. To me the games is complete bore however Roy and HG were absolutely priceless and the games are a sad echo without them. Surely the China games must have been the most boring sporting event ever staged.

    Anyway bring back Fasto, oly, milly, and d***head and the real commentry from a sportsman that actually has participated in every event ever held – Rampaging ROy Slaven.

  2. Yes makes you realize how much their missed at the Olympics when you’ve got to put up with Eddie and Mick.Those two boofheads have worn me out and send me to bed after no more than 30 seconds.

  3. Why don’t 7pm Project try something different and bring the boys on for a Sports Report on Thursday night?

    And can someone please help my trivia addicted brain – what was the name of the mountain Roy & HG wanted to build by pilling our rubbish on top and forming Australia’s first bid for a Winter Olympics? Was it Smiggins Hole? Or something like that. I remember that it had a hilarious video with all the winter athletes putting their name to the bid!

  4. Okay.. So maybe Sonya was a bad mistake for Seven, but seriously, i’m missing Seven’s coverage of the olympics. Nine is just rubbish. Eddie should stick with just owning the company.. rather than trying to be talent.

  5. My fav Roy & HG Moments were their ‘interpretation’ of the Syncronised swimming routenes and getting the international athletes to give the Australian weather report… that was clasic because they were all keen because they thought it was legit… but all the cities where all overthe place and forcast for 2 degress for Dawin… NZ in place of Tasmania etc… it was classic.

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