
Lost meets Baywatch

What if the opening titles for Lost were remade to resemble the opening of Baywatch?

What if the opening titles for Lost were remade to resemble the opening of Baywatch?

They would probably look like this.

Pretty funny idea….

Cue the drums.

9 Responses

  1. @2.5 Jeez Dwight would have been besides himself! If you search youtube someone made a Star Trek Voyager intro set to the Baywatch theme, funny because the plots on VOY were just as insane!

  2. I know this girl!! :):) Sophie, member of Lost Video Island I’m a Council member there, we run the site this was for a contest we held for a month where members had to create opening titles for Lost with another shows theme : I personally did Charmed, but there were some epic entries including one to Cold Case, Smallville and Merlin Anyway; this is one of my fave entries 🙂

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