
Brian McFadden shoots from the hip… again

Australia's Got Talent judge Brian McFadden had an ugly exchange with a contestant, in a scene that was deleted from the show.

Australia’s Got Talent host Brian McFadden is back in the headlines for the wrong reasons, with the revelation that a spat with a contestant on the show turned particularly ugly.

McFadden is said to have whispered to an aspiring comedian, Anne Ferguson-Howe to “f*** off back to England.”

The Herald Sun reports that the exchange was edited from Tuesday’s episode in which Ferguson-Howe appeared.

During Ferguson-Howe’s comedy routine she was heckled by the audience, while judge Kyle Sandilands also made a joke about her appearance.

“Kyle said something personal and I thought ‘no, this isn’t appropriate’,” British-born Ms Ferguson-Howe said.

Referring to Sandilands 2009 radio controversy, she said, “That’s when I said, ‘It’s easy for you to sit there and have a cheap laugh – when was the last time you had a chat about rape?”

After that “everyone went mental”.

“Brian said ‘get off, get off’ in a really nasty tone. I then said to Brian ‘listen pal, if you’re going to dish it out, you’ve got to learn to take it back’. Brian pulled his mike off, climbed on stage and very cleverly, without anyone hearing, said ‘why don’t you just f*** off back to England’.

Ferguson-Howe said she made up with Sandilands after the taping but McFadden remained unapologetic.

A Seven spokesperson admitted to the ugly exchange saying, “All contestants who take part in the AGT auditions know what to expect.

“Usually everyone joins in the spirit of the day and has a lot of fun. In this case the exchange was unacceptable and didn’t fit with the vibe of the show, so was deleted.”

McFadden has previously attracted media attention for his abrupt opinions.

Two weeks ago he was in the press after he Twittered about his ex-wife Kerry Katona saying, “A certain pig-faced mole has suggested my own daughter Lilly doesn’t know me and I never talk to my kids.” He deleted them later but not before media had picked up on it.

At last year’s ASTRA Awards he said of his new co-host on Football Superstar, “she’s got a brain,” which many saw as a comment on his previous co-host.

In 2008 he told a New Zealand radio station, “If you are not gay, a man should not be wearing pink. Saying pink is a form of red is the same as saying homosexual is a form of male.”

Source: Herald Sun

33 Responses

  1. As for the show, Totally love it…..I’d like to say a big Thank you to Brian, Danny and Kyle, very entertaining show…I’ve laughed, cried and shocked….but that’s what makes a great show 🙂

  2. I saw the show and she was an idiot, sorry guy’s I with Brian on this one. Plus charming comment that she would spit on him, who spits on people nowaday. Agree go back to home, that’s total feral!!!

  3. I can see both sides here. I think if you do go on this show, you do have to realise that you are going to cop abuse. To be surprised about that is entirely naive.

    However, if her purpose for going on the show was to make that insult then I have every admiration – I was half tempted to come up with a crap talent so I could be in a room to insult Vile!! Also – were there any other witnesses that can confirm that this happened? She states that he cleverly took off his microphone so nobody else could hear it – how do we know it actually happened?

    However – Seven are always claiming that this is a family show. Both of these judges have reputations that are far from family friendly. If they want to keep claiming it is a family show, then they may want to re-think the approach that these two are making. Vile clearly never listens to anyone’s feedback or takes advice about how to behave – made clear through the crapola that was last year. McFadden – wow, I don’t know how I missed those comments (the one about pink and homosexuals in particular just makes my skin crawl – I hate homophobia) but he seems just as disgraceful. If they want a “family friendly” show – these aren’t the people to hire!

  4. Why is no one making a fuss over this Anne Ferguson-Howe making the rape comment to Kyle? How is that anymore appropriate than the alleged comment made by Brian? She made that on a live mic in front of all who were there.

    I also like the Herald Sun website is jumping on this with the following subhead – “The allegedly talented ‘singer’ Brian McFadden…” There is no need for the Herald Sun to use that description.

  5. This homophobic ,untalented loud mouth should be sacked..I can’t watch the show at all with McFadden and Sandilands as judges..What ever happened to talented people being judges?

  6. I am not surprised at all given his history. I’ve encountered him twice where I work and both times he’s been more than aloof. He’s quite the larrakin clearly but he’s far too supercilious for his own good.

  7. I said i wouldn’t watch the show now that Kyle and Brian are on it, and i haven’t. Perhaps everyone should do the same and Seven might get the point.

  8. Why is this Irish git still doing here? Why wasn’t he deported years ago? And whyis he getting jobs on TV, – check out this situation, the gay-bashing radio interview and even his jokes on TV on the weekend about Molly Meldrum. Should Channel 7 become known as the pigsty, as it is the place where McFadden and Vile Kyle go to work???

  9. If you’re dumb enough to go on this crappy show then you deserved to be abused.It’s well known the judges are abusive so why did this woman bother going on if she can’t handle it ?

  10. I’ve never seen the appeal of this guy. It’s pretty clear from his history and his previous media comments that he’s not someone I want to watch on television.

  11. look i personally think that this guy (Mcfadden) is entirely over rated and he is riding the fame of his much loved fiancee…. well i can say from experience that this isnt the first time that he has blown up,he has that temper and it has bought him unstuck a few times, when he has criticiesed people when in fact he should’ve just keeped his mouth shut…maybe Brian should take a serving of his own advice and F*** off back to the UK….

  12. A bit of publicity to try to get the ratings up…which won’t work. Just love it, though. He’s telling her to go back to England. So it’s OK for other immigrants to be racists but just not people born here? I’d be happy if he went back to Ireland.

  13. why are we suffering this t**d in australia? we don’t have enough rubbish hosts and d grade pop stars that we’re now importing them.

    delta goodrem has a lot to answer for bringing this noxious pest into the country.

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