
‘Bogiegate’ war, but Kyle takes a prize

The stoush between two Sydney newspapers over the use of the phrase The Bogies is in legal letters. But readers of both were agreed on Kyle Sandilands.

The stoush between two Sydney newspapers over the use of the phrase The Bogies continues…

Both the Daily Telegraph and the Sydney Morning Herald have now published their lists on the worst on telly (although the latter also includes some positive categories too).

David Dale at smh.com.au writes, “The matter is the subject of legal letters, so we can say only that last Wednesday The Daily Telegraph launched a reader poll about the worst of television under the heading ”Pick your Bogies.'”

Dale has been holding an annual Bogie Awards since “time immemorial” -2007.

At least both are agreed on some of the names, with Kyle Sandilands “winning” categories on both.

You can compare both here:
Sydney Morning Herald: Bogies
Daily Telegraph: Bogies

5 Responses

  1. I put some choice comments on the DT website about how I hoped they got permission from David Dale to have The Bogies name – but surprise surprise – it didn’t get approved.

    With all the bagging that DT does of SMH, you’d think they would at least not steal their ideas.

  2. hahaha, I so love the Bogies!! I wish it could be anythign like the Razzies where they would also hand the awards and the winners would be gracious enough to accept them like what Sandra Bullock did when she won the Razzies this year!

  3. Ha Ha, Lots of huge ego’s going to take a beating with those results.
    The only only one I feel sorry for is David Koch, I like him, he’s fun to watch as you never know what the will say next.
    Eddie and Kyle both deserve the Gongs they received.

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