
News Breakfast farewells supervising producer

Supervising Producer Lucy Carter has departed the morning shift, with a fond farewell posted from Michael Rowland.

Pictured L to R: Emma Rebellato, Michael Rowland, Lucy Carter, Tyson Shine and Charles Brice

News Breakfast has farewelled Supervising Producer Lucy Carter.

On Instagram Michael Rowland said, “Sad day for us at News Breakfast as we bid farewell to our superb Supervising Producer @lucethoughts.

“Lucy possesses one of the sharpest editorial minds I know, is a daily source of great ideas for the show, and has been an incredible mentor to our younger team members.

“Lucy is heading off to head ABC Verify, and will play a key role in sorting through what’s real and what’s not in this age of disinformation. Go well, Lucy!”

Carter is a Walkley, Quill and Logie award winning investigative journalist who began at ABC in 2008 as a newsreader for triple j. Since then she has worked in a variety of positions for ABC News, ABC Radio Current Affairs, 7:30, Four Corners and News Breakfast.

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