

This promo for a new reality TV show The Hasselhoffs, is already being called "creepy."

This promo for a new reality TV show The Hasselhoffs, is already being called “creepy.”

The Hasselhoffs is based around the life of David Hasselhoff and his two daughters Taylor Ann, 20, and Hayley, 18. It is coming to the US A&E Network in December.

Frankly, the idea of a reality show about The Hoff’s family is pretty creepy in itself…


5 Responses

  1. Aw, c’mon! That promo was hilarious!

    @David S. – you just aren’t trying hard enough (you already mentioned one!). How about “The Big C” (Charlie Sheen), “Twin Peaks” (Dolly Parton), or “Hold the Phone” (Russell Crowe).

  2. So it’s official? US TV really has completely run out of ideas.

    A less interesting program choice isn’t just difficult to imagine, it’s impossible to imagine! I await the inevitable follow-on series, The Shattners, with dread.

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