
Today, Karl and those “long, stabby things.”

What do you banter about while you're waiting for the copy for your 6:30am news headlines?

What do you banter about while you’re waiting for the copy for your 6:30am news headlines?

This moment from the Today show is pretty self explanatory….

(Sorry about the ad!)

Source: Daily Telegraph

34 Responses

  1. Just proves to me again why l think Karl should not be on tv,he is a bloody fool so imature.And Ben is no better,cant understand why they dumped Cameron Williams……..David did u get any news on that change of presenter on the show,cant remmeber reading a post here maybe l missed it.

  2. It went awkward when Georgie opened her mouth, Wilkinson exacerbated it by claiming her husband was useless, the conversation completely degenerated when Fordham weighed in. It was worthless television that is ashamedly still better than Kochie and Mel on Sunrise.

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