
The watermark war continues between Seven and Nine

Seven News Brisbane got helicopter footage of an alleged abduction that Nine was keen to utilise, just without the 7 watermark.

It really doesn’t matter how big your watermark is -if the other mob want it they’ll just work around it.

In Brisbane on Friday Channel Seven’s chopper was following an alleged abduction at 11:20am as the event unfolded. It put pictures to air at 11:30am with the Seven watermark.

When a Nine helicopter arrived on scene at 11:40am apparently there wasn’t much left to see.

By 2:00pm, Nine found a way to make use of Seven’s footage in its Updates and 6pm News.

30 Responses

  1. More to the point, Channel 9’s chopper was last on the scene! Nine = fail (but then again, at least Nein has a chopper in Brisvegas unlike Perth and Adelaide)

  2. The only reason Seven puts that ghastly watermark on it is because of incidents like this that Nine have done time and time and time again. Sure Seven has done it too but more recently Seven haven’t, Nine have. Its just pathetic by Nine. Nine are thieves.

    The thing here is if you go to any other country in the world the watermark of the rival is clear as day if its used Or its been covered up but theres a little caption or footnote from where it comes from. Sorry but i am over Nine. They are gutless, pathetic excuses for a TV network.

  3. What’s the problem here? All’s fair in commercial TV newsrooms’ love and war. Good on 9 for making a mockery of 7’s outlandish watermark.

    Personally the news story didn’t have much value on a day when there was bugger all local news of value: the second tree chop story of the week and a battle for a credit union 100km away that should’ve been left for the local regional TV news.

  4. Not sure about other markets, but I hate watching Nine News because every time they have footage which are not theirs they are trying to zoom it until the footage become so blur.

    I don’t watch Seven News often but at least they don’t zoom footage like Nine did. All the other networks are fine though.

    Strangely, ACA story on SBS’s Go Back did acknowledge SBS as the rightful owner and they didn’t zoom like what Nine usually did for their world news footage.

  5. @Bogues – still better that watching 7&9.

    @Nick – thanks for the explanation, I just wish they would grow up and if they us footage from another channel then just tell us, not try and cover it up and crop out logos, maybe they need to tighten the rules when it come to this?

  6. This is out of control.
    Both networks need to chill out.
    They are both the problem. Both steal from each other equally.
    Both paste their watermarks over the footage disadvantaging the viewer and also other news sources.
    Both also blur, contort and pixilate each others footage to the point that that half the screen has a massive 7 or “See it first on 9”.
    On civilised networks and international channels, stations actually agnowledge the source of the footage by bringing up a window stating “Courtersy: CNN” or whatever. These twits don’t even have the balls to do so.
    From now on, ABC or SBS.

  7. It’s pitiful to start with from Ch7 putting that freekin huge watermark on that you could see from space!. but Ch9 are equally as pitiful by pinching Ch7’s material.
    Both channels are freeking childish at times! and should be ashamed of themselves!

  8. Dave, copyright law has the exemption that if the rival is using it for the reportage of a news story (or critical review etc) then they are perfectly able to use the footage. As long as they don’t take possession of it, i.e. if they were to add it to their file footage library.

  9. i dont understand how this can be legal. is there some kind of loophole? is it no longer an “exclusive” after the originating network shows it? maybe you can answer that david. this has been going on only in the past year or two.

  10. I’ve said it before but surely the networks can be instructed to leave the watermarks on any footage they use.

    If Nine want to use Seven’s footage then that’s fine, they just have to leave the Seven watermark in the corner. This way the network who films the footage gets credit for being first on the scene. If their rival wants to use the footage, that’s up to them but they have to give credit to the original footage’s owner.

    Let’s give credit where it’s due and let’s also get rid of these ridiculous watermarks that cover half the screen. All it does is annoy the viewers (who incidently the footage is meant for after all).

    It just seems ridiculous that this is still going on. Surely common sense will prevail as some stage.

  11. And why don’t we ever see ABC, SBS or TEN taking part in these ridiculous games? 7 and 9 need to grow up. By tomorrow, it’s “old” news anyway. Worry about your news coverage, not who’s gonna steal it. And if you “borrow” another network’s footage, just be honest about it! For goodness sake…

  12. I don’t understand why they do this? Do Nine think viewers will switch over to Seven thinking that Seven have the better coverage and footage? Why would they if Nine are just going to show it anyway?

    So many questions haha

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