
SBS website hacked

The SBS website was hacked on the weekend, the first time the site has suffered any attack.

The SBS website was hacked on the weekend, the first time the site has suffered any attack.

In an online statement, SBS said, “While SBS has comprehensive safety measures in place across the site, this source has been able to enter the site on this occasion and has inserted a link to a third party ‘malware site’. Users who may have inadvertently visited this third party malware site could then have had their machines infected with a virus depending on their security settings. SBS recommends that any site users who may be concerned about infection run a full security scan.

“SBS would like to apologise to any of our site users who may have been affected by a virus. Our digital team has been working throughout the weekend to rectify the problem and have now resolved the problem. Investigations are ongoing regarding how this issue occurred and what steps can be taken to ensure it does not happen again.”

5 Responses

  1. Hackers are only winners in their small, greasy skined, groups. But they’re seen as losers to everyone else. What did SBS do to anyone? These hackers must be racist, homophobic, neo-nationalist pro-capitalist Young Liberals because they’re the only ones I can think of that would have a problem with the work SBS does.

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