
What Community thinks of the Emmys….

In the Community studio they've hung a sign that makes it known what they think about the Emmy Awards.

Community is back at work filming its new episodes in the US, and hanging over the studio is a sign that makes it known what they think about the Emmy Awards.

Very funny….

18 Responses

  1. Community is by far the best comedy to come out of US in a while. The writing and the acting is consistently brilliant – I have not seen a dud episode yet.

  2. Great show, and it is much stronger than than 30 rock has been in years, and more consistently better than that ever was. Best US network comedy for sure.

  3. so frustrating that it doesnt get nominated, unlike the shows that have been nominated Community can really use the exposure because ratings are not good.

    Some of the comedy actors that were nominated, yes are talented, but when their character description is not much more than “normal guy” the talent does not show the way it does on Community which has a whole cast of wierd and wonderful characters with actors way out of their natural zone. Troy, Abed, Annie, and Chang are great.

  4. [At the First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence awards show]

    Lisa: This award is the biggest farce I’ve ever seen.
    Bart: What about the Emmys?
    Lisa: I stand corrected.

  5. Best American comedy in years,shame I never know when It’s going to be on.
    Not being nominated for an Emmy should be worn as a badge of honour and no doubt it will.

  6. Pearls before swine.
    Community is one of the most creative sitcoms out of the US ever. The amount of work they put in is amazing (like the flashback episode which was entirely new footage of unseen adventures). Long may it live.

  7. Haha, at least they can be funny about it. It’s to bad it wasn’t nominated as I do think it’s a better comedy than those that were nominated (and I have watched the other shows extensively) at least they had Parks and Recreation thats some conciliation to me.

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