Kyle Sandilands warns journo: “I’ll hunt you down.”
After a savaging in the media, Kyle Sandilands warns a journalist "Watch your mouth or I’ll hunt you down.”
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
Kyle Sandilands has lashed out at a review of his Channel Seven show published in
Yesterday on his Austereo radio show, Sandilands hit back at News Limited’s online deputy editor, Alison Stephenson.
Stephenson had branded the show “a disaster” writing: Memorable? Yes. Most probably for the Seven execs who won’t forget the viewer feedback next time Kyle comes knocking on their door asking for a television slot.
Outrageous? Definitely. Boob grabs, sex talk, explicit photos and references to the size of celebrity’s appendages, were the rule more so than the exception.
As Mumbrella reported, Sandilands told radio listeners Stephenson highlighted negative Twitter comments in her report.
“Some fat slag on has already branded it a disaster. You can tell by reading the article that she just hates us and has always hated us.
“What a fat bitter thing you are. You’re deputy editor of an online thing. You’ve got a nothing job anyway. Just so you know, you’re a piece of shit.
“This low thing, Alison Stephenson, deputy editor of online. Alison, you’re supposed to be impartial, you little troll.
“You’re a bullshit artist, girl. You should be fired from your job. Your hair’s very 90s. And your blouse. You haven’t got that much titty to be having that low cut a blouse. Change your image, girl. Watch your mouth or I’ll hunt you down.”
He also said even though he disliked TV shows by Merrick and Rosso and Rove McManus he gave them the benfit of the doubt.
Jackie O. told him he should learn to take criticism on the chin.
Mediaweek yesterday declined to detail Sandilands’ reaction noting: Sandilands read from the review of their TV show at the start of his radio show this morning with comments we can’t repeat here.
Other media also criticised the show including the Daily Telegraph, which published a sliding scale of the show’s ratings results.
While the show’s 650,000 viewers were a respectable result for the lengthy, late night time slot, the preliminary figures were buoyed by The X Factor running overtime. Across the broadcast they dropped from more than 1.4m to just 200,000.
Sandilands is no stranger to controversy but Seven execs are likely to be looking at ratings performances, audience, advertiser and media reaction, as well as the way Kyle and Jackie O respond to feedback.
The chat show special was widely seen by many as an experiment to see how a primetime special would perform.
- Tagged with Kyle and Jackie O's Night with the Stars, Rove
47 Responses
Oh don’t worry about me.. I was able to google it months ago…
As for your backhand comment… well BB uncut was shown at an earlier timeslot than Kylie’s offering and yet we were able to see both breasts and genitals. Keep in mind as well that was 10 years ago! So sorry, but TV censors obviously choose to follow the rules when it suits them..
he won’t change his ways. king bogan just wants to entertain his followers.and i wouldn’t call him a star either.
“What a fat, waste of space, is Kyle Sandilands.” If the reviewer at had written this, I could understand the retaliation from someone as petty as Kyle. The review given, which I read in full, I thought gave way too many concessions.
@ Lucio and Secret Squirrel, no I wasn’t joking. I get a good laugh out of everything Kyle says whether it is hypocritical or not. He’s paid to entertain, and he certainly entertains me :)
Surely he’s a got a thick enough skin to laugh it off. I think David you’d better watch out, you’d never know.
So I’m about to defend Kyle Sandlilands. . .
It seems the Australian media love to hate Kyle, there is no such thing as a positive story relating to him, yes the reviewer’s mind had already been made up before the show started and if the show was so crap and no one watched it then why are you writing a review on it???
Well done Kyle, he was justified in what he said. It’s not really helping him though cause these Kyle bashng stories must be making news stories a small fortune. . .
@Moanique in Brisbane: perhaps we should consider your personal shape and grooming in deciding whether or not to agree with you. That is apparently acceptable to you, since you think bullyboy Kyle was right.
On another note, I’m particularly interested in what you Kyle and Jackie O haters listen to of a morning? There aren’t that many other breakfast shows except for Fitzy and Whippa (Which I’m assuming most of you don’t like due to your hamish and andy comments)
@ andy, Its not that Kyle cannot take criticism its just that journos have always had it in for Kyle and always ready for him to stumble so they can lay the boots in.
Peole cannot handle the fact that Kyle is a star, a little different to the norm but i find the fact that he calls a spade a spade very refreshing. He is only sticking up for himself in his street way.
@Moanique – you’ve written some bizarre things before but that takes the cake. If you actually read all of Ms Stephenson’s review you’ll see that it’s really quite balanced. She conceded that perhaps Sandilands was just giving his fans what they wanted and she praises their ability to get some “big names” (not what I would have called the guests but there you go). How dare she also mention that there were a lot of negative comments on twitter or that many of the segments were quite tacky.
Regardless of your personal feelings for Sandilands, I just don’t understand how you can defend such spiteful and misogynistic comments, especially given that they were broadcast on public radio. Ms Stephenson’s appearance is completely irrelevant and for Sandilands to attack her like that, rather than her writing, just goes to show what a nasty, immature person he is. Then for him to finish off with a threat to hunt her down is so far beyond excusable that there isn’t a word for it.
“What a fat bitter thing you are.” Oh the hypocrisy…
I can’t believe people keep falling for the Sandilands gimmick.
Time after time he goes on air (thankfully in Sydney and not down here in Melbourne) and, in search of publicity for whatever he’s selling at the time, deliberately makes rude, outlandish statements knowing very well that the ‘news’ media will be all over it, with mock outrage in abundance.
Each and every time the media fall into it.
The sad thing is that i think many in the media know his game but play anyway because it makes for good copy (apparently) and fills column inches.
Kyle is a vile loser. I stopped watching Australias Got Talent the moment they brought him in. Maybe if people did the same and stopped watching his shows, he might leave our screens for good.
Disappointed that you didn’t get to see Kanye’s member, however genitals are classified as being different to breasts.
I thought this was incredibly obvious.
LOL! Jackie probably thought it was crap as well.
Interesting response from David Penberthy (EIC of
@Moanique in Brisbane – I do hope you’re being facetious. If not, you’ve just made me feel quite ashamed to call Brisbane home.
Yep, and Kyle’s gonna chase her down the street and wallop her with his razor sharp … wit. There’s a wounded child in there somewhere but he’d be better off doing some primal therapy than attacking all and sundry for having an opinion.
It’s intriguing to watch someone totally and utterly shoot down their television career without the help of anyone else :)
how does a show go from 1.4 mil to 200,000
I love Kyle, and I think he had every right to say what he did. The reviewer from obviously doesn’t like him and this affected her review. Say what you like about Kyle, but he is a straight shooter. Keep up the good work Kyle :)
I wish this man would disappear from our screens and airwaves. Unfortunately, there are obviously a particular group people out there that continue to listen to him and keep him employed.
We all better look out kyle is coming to get us what a moron!!!!
Aw diddums, poor Kyle doesn’t like being told he sucks. Get over it tosser.
Fire him, Seven. Do it today. This is beyond the pale.