
News anchors shocked as sports reporter wins live $2.5m lottery

Two Canadian news anchors were shocked when they realised the winner of a live lottery draw was their colleague.

This just never happens at Channel Seven.

But in Canada two news anchors were shocked when they realised the winner of a live lottery draw was their very own network sports reporter.

Barry Deley won a $2.5m house (or $2m in cash if he prefers).

His colleagues rang him live on air while he was shopping for groceries.

Skip to 1.30min.

16 Responses

  1. Oh don’t get me started on lotto – 5 and a Supp a couple of months ago in Oz Lotto, thought it was new car time, but it paid $380…. not bad but a bit underwhelming considering what could’ve been

    This is a hilarious clip

  2. Oh David I hear you on that! The night I had 5 numbers I was flushed and sweating, checked the internet and then had little cry 🙁

    I did get $40 though.

  3. Andrew’s just jealous that he has never been that 1 in 50 million winner of the lottery. :p

    Its a different company I’m sure. and if you watched the clip he basically said he would have donated anyway because of his Daughter so its unlikely that he was forced into it by a contact deal or anything….

  4. Surely employees can”t win competitions like these? Unless it was a separate company?

    But it does go to prove my theory of all or most competitions being rigged or fake.

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