
X Factor eliminates Christina Parie

15 year old Christina Parie was eliminated from The X Factor last night after facing off against 16 year old Reece Mastin.

15 year old Christina Parie was eliminated from The X Factor last night after facing off against 16 year old Reece Mastin.

Mastin is widely considered the favourite to win, but it was his first time in the bottom two.

Three judges chose Mastin to stay over Parie, but all were complimentary about her young talent. For one brief moment it looked like Natalie Bassingthwaighte was going to send Mastin home, having deemed him a “threat” to her contestants.

Parie said, “I just want to say thank you to Mel for dealing with me and I think we need more girl power in Australia! Next year, there has to be a girl at the top! I’ve had the most amazing time and I’m definitely not going to give up after this!”

Mel B. no longer has any contestants she has mentored remaining in the contest, while Guy Sebastian still has all 3 male vocalists, including Johnny Ruffo, who is showing he has more lives than a cat.

Next week, the show steps up with some impressive names including Susan Boyle’s Aussie debut, Michael Bolton and Ricki-Lee Coulter.

21 Responses

  1. I think that Christina should of stayed butt if she stayed Reece would of gone that would be in cool I think that 7 rigged the votes to make the show more interesting. Christina Reece and Jhonny should of been in the top three but that can’t happen:( any way I think Reece is really sexy and Christina is totally Georgeos Jhonny is okay but he is an excellent peformar I love your name Christina

  2. Southern Cross in regional SA missed the announcement. Just as Natalie was talking and about to make her decision, they cut out and went to a local newsbreak followed by an advert. When they cut back in, they were showing Christina footage. Was very poor and unprofessional. 5 new digital channels start here on Monday. They won’t cope.

  3. @David S, while i do agree that vocal talent shouldn’t be that important. i don’t agree that Johnny has the X factor. he has an annoying personality and isn’t that good looking, there were much better looking under 25 guys that Guy eliminated early on.

    seriously who is voting for him? all the younger women on twitter seem to hate him, they all liked Reece and Christina.

    i would definately support a big brother style “2 evict / 2 save” voting system next year, it would probably be good for the pockets at 7 as well, i know i care more about who leaves over who stays, they’d get more money out of me atleast.

  4. @ Bruce Banner, The reason why Declan is still there is because he is an original. All true stars are original, Elvis, Bowie, Lennon, Jackson even GaGa. Declan might not win but if this is his talent at 15 he could possibly end up a global superstar. I couln’t say this about anyone else in the competition. The rest are ok but Declan stands out from the crowd. We have lots of great singers in Australia but stars are few and far between.

  5. Loving Three Wishez more and more each week!

    Agree with changing the voting next year to a ‘Vote to Eliminate’ system. This is why good acts go home – people don’t feel they need to vote for the good/popular acts – exactly why YMS went home.

  6. I thought Declan and Johnny would be in the bottom 2. I watch the show because of christina and reece and 3 wishes. I wouldnt buy records from any of the others. The voting system should change for next year, like vote for the worst and eliminate that way. We lose too many good potential singers this way. Audio Vixen and YMS were interesting but Johnny and Declan bore me. In fact Declan scares me!!

  7. I really didn’t find the bottom two much of a surprise…of the six performances on Monday Reece and Christina were the most boring IMO. That said I did expect both of them to make the final along with YMS, but that was around week 10. Since then Christina hasn’t had a good performance since Zombie and Reece has been doing predictable performances every week.

    It’s getting damn hard to predict the final three but at this stage, I’d say Andrew and Three Wishez are locks…I’d say Reece will join them but that remains to be seen

  8. Not sure why Declan is still there… Can’t see him selling albums in Australia let alone anywhere else in the world. Moody pop-alt 15 year old boys aren’t exactly setting the world on fire are they?

  9. The highlight of the elimination show is natalies reaction when Andrew is called safe.

    I’ve gone off Reece lately I think he’s boring. I wanted Christina to stay. I think 3 wishez, Andrew and Declan will make the grand final. 3 wishez ftw.

  10. @Kaylen – I honestly don’t think Johnny has a larger fanbase than Reece. I think it more of a case of the voters who have voted for reece so fervently began to see him as invincible.. they probably don’t need to vote anymore, yet Johnny nearly went last week and they think he is hot too so Johnny needs more help to get through as Reece is definite for the finals. I genuinely feel if everyone was to vote and it was only 1 vote per person than Reece would easily surpass Johnny.

    Oh well.. Johnny has been in bottom multiple times now and has only survived as Mel B chose not to go with Natalie and Ronan’s decision. Tending to think she wont be giving him another chance if he lands in the bottom so assuming he does next week, he’ll probably be next to go.

  11. What I am most interested in, is: Johnny has a bigger fanbase than Reece.

    If Reece had the bigger fanbase; Johnny would be there. As that is not the case… it must be that singing ability is not all that important this year. ;p

  12. Johnny Ruffo is the classic pop star………..can’t play, can’t sing, looks great (to the screaming tweenies anyway)………………he’ll go a long way.

  13. I thought that either Reece or Christina would be int he bottom 2 but I didnt expect both of them. While watching the cup coverage yesterday whenever the ad for X Factor came on Luke Jacobz would come over the top and say dont miss tonight because it will shock you.

    I reckon that people stopped voting for Reece and Christina because they thought they would sail through. I thought Reece would.

    But well doen to Andrew for hanging in there and getting through. he’s holding his own with the young ones.

    Johnny to go next I hope.

  14. Yeah.. total shocker this. I think it was a case that the voters thought they didn’t need support Recce/Christina as they were safe and sure things for the final and so needed to vote for others instead to help them get further.

    One of those being in the bottom would have been a definite shock, but to think both of them were was just unbelievable. You’d think the results weren’t correct, but then why would 7 sabotage their own show and they’d also be in big trouble if they rigged the voting – but then why rig it to have basically the two faves in the bottom?

    Anyway.. so many good acts seem to be leaving. I think out of those who are left I like three wishez best (and now that is where the sole remaining female is too).

  15. the judges did a shocking job with their eliminations this year… they cant complain if guy has all 3 guys left when they had ample opportunity to eliminate the duds.

    and i dont understand why people choose to vote for contestants (and for a cost), just to have the results ultimately fall in the judges hands anyway….

    final 4 should have been: audio vixen, reece, 3 wishez and andrew.

  16. Johnny Ruffo is on borrowed time. I still can’t believe he got through last night. He definitely has to go next week. I’m predicting Reece and Andrew to be the final two.

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