
Welcome to the new-look TV Tonight

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Welcome to the new-look TV Tonight!

As you will have already noticed, the site has some new features and attributes, so let me talk you through some of these….


  • The site now has a Carousel of 5 in place of the former 2 x Top Stories on the old site. These will continue to include a mix of News, Programming, Pay TV and Reviews, all of which can also be found in their respective verticals. You can click on any of the thumbnails to stop the Carousel on an individual story in order to click through to the Post itself.
  • A new Menu has been added with each of the 5 networks plus Foxtel. These offer dropdown lists of profile shows that are on air (or about to air). It will then take you to all the recent stories mentioning the show, using the Tag system. This Menu is designed to help you find stories about your show more easily. Listed shows will fluctuate accordingly. I hope you like it.
  • Previous sections Coming Soon and Guides are now a subset of the Programming tab.
  • The News section is now much larger. As you can see it also shows the number of comments on each story.
  • Two verticals on Pay TV and Programming follow and Reviews are located at the bottom of the front page. All of these feeds can be accessed from the top Menu.
  • In the right-hand column you can now see Daily Pick, ICE TV Guide, Ratings and the Poll.


  • The essentials of each story remain intact. At the end of the post there is a section called “Related.” This will link through to other stories that also mention the same show/s, again using the Tag system. Comments follow thereafter.
  • In the right hand column you will find the Tag Cloud and recent Comments, plus a shortcut to recent stories.
  • At the left of each story is a floating widget for social media. You can Tweet a story, like it on Facebook, send via email or Google+.


  • In order to Comment you now need to register an ID. You can continue to use the handle you have been using but you need to register through a working email. Note the password you are sent and then you can change it once you are logged in. The site will take you to a standard WordPress profile page and even offers a toolbar that sits across the site if you prefer. When you are logged in you will find the link to bring you back to the site sits at the top left of the toolbar. If it feels a little overwhelming at first, have patience. You’ll get used to it in no time and realise the benefits later I trust. Your cookies should remember you so you don’t have to keep logging in everyday. I believe adding an ID will lift the tone of comments, for the benefit of all.
  • Please remember no CAPS, no links and no slagging off other readers. Debate is healthy, abuse is not.
  • As we are all adults here you’ll be pleased to know the site will now allow more liberal use of language. I think common sense tells us the words that are still on the naughty list. Otherwise Comments moderation remains as is.

So that’s about it. The site is now in Beta mode during this transition phase, just in case of any teething problems.

There is no change to Twitter, mobile platform, Ratings, breaking news etc. And yes, it’s still just me pedalling madly behind the scenes, but I am grateful for your support.

From Monday the annual Programmer’s Wrap begins, with feature interviews everyday this week. Be sure to register an ID so you can have your say -they do read the Feedback.

My thanks to web designer David McDonald for the rebuild.

Hope you enjoy the new site!




UPDATE: For technical problems please ensure you have:

– latest edition of your Browser.
– javascript enabled.
– any ad-blockers turned off.

124 Responses

  1. Very nice David. I was worried this morning on my mobile and got the “This Account has been Suspended” page but am glad to see that V3 is up-and-running =) Keep up the great work!

  2. Wow! I got a real suprise when I visited this morning, it looks very different, but I really like it so far. Looks better than TVLine.com and EW.com.

    It will take a couple of days to get used to, but really but, the layout seems user freindly like before, with the simple column design to keep stories in their rightful area. I really like the idea of the count of comments for the story, its often the comments that bring me back thought the day.

  3. OK I’ve registered now, you may have to reset your cookies, because my browser was remembering my name and email address for the old comments format.

    Anyway exciting times ahead I’m sure.

  4. To be honest, the only thing I don’t like is that everything’s white.. May be just me, but it makes the site look like internet explorer stopped loading the page in the middle of it, making it just seem blank.

  5. cannot access it on my home pc, says account suspended, not even signed in, just as soon as I try to go to page. I can access it at work, so not sure, it was working yesterday, so it must be updated site? Otherwise very nice 🙂

  6. Looks good. The only issue I have is that the content is “pushed” to the middle of the screen, with large gaps at either side. Stretching the white box out abit would make it look better, and more “widescreen”.

  7. There does not seem to be an easy way to register,I may be missing something thoiugh and when I first try to log in this morning I get “account suspended”

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