
Tony Abbott not waking up with Today

Fearing a media stumble, Tony Abbott's minders limit his TV appearances.

2013-02-10_0142While Kevin Rudd is returning to the Sunrise spot that helped drive his popularity, Tony Abbott is giving Today the cold shoulder. Deliberately.

And he’s not happy about suggestions for Malcolm Turnbull taking his spot.

“Mr Abbott’s office has decided against him appearing every Friday, which is disappointing,” executive producer Neil Breen confirmed.

“I can only speculate as to the reasons why. I’d love to have Malcolm on.”

The Sunday Herald Sun is suggesting a media stumble by Abbott remains one of the greatest threats to him ruining what many believe to be an ‘unloseable election.’

A spokesman for Abbott said he was still keen to appear regularly on the Today show and talks were ongoing. But he would not appear every week.

Newsflash: He’s going to have to do Q&A sometime this year too. No hiding from that…

32 Responses

  1. @danny – Where are all these left-wing media outlets in Australia? There are clearly right-wing ones with most Australian newspapers, Ch7 and 9, and almost all talk radio, but I can’t really think of any clearly lefty ones.

    Maybe there’d be even more conservative stuff on TV if Abbott wasn’t too scared of showing what he really is without a script.

    Do you think organisations who try and cater to an under-40 audience are left-wing garbage or something?

  2. @danny Oh yes, the media is flooded with Left-wing propaganda, it is rife throughout the networks. Shows like Today and Sunrise produce the ‘norm’ that anything that doesn’t bash Labor is ‘leftist’ instead in simply being balanced, The ABC is a good example. Tony Abbott should remember he is trying to be PM, as a result he will be talking a lot, (if he wins) to many people and nations. If they are worried what will happen before he is elected, what about when he is leader?

    If he wins it will be Australia’s Silvio Berlusconi, gaffs-galore.

  3. Big deal. Julia is good (although phony) with the media and will use it to her advantage. Media is not Tony’s strong suit and it will be to his advantage by not appearing on a weekly basis.

    I hardly see the need to appear on a weekly basis at present – the election is months away. Just reserve appearances for unfolding political events. Otherwise they will both just churn out the same speel week after week which is frankly repetitive.

  4. I’d like to see more of Abbott in live interviews. On 30th January when Chris Bath (7News) crossed to him “live”, it was pretty obvious he was relaying what someone was telling him to say, via an earpiece. It .. was all.. in the.. stilted way… he… delivered it.

  5. I find it very funny reading what just about everyone has posted on this subject with the exception of two people.

    You all seem to get a kick out of bashing conservative talkshow hosts such as Bolt. For once in your lives, spare a thought for all the left-wing garbage I and other LNP supporters are subjected to via most media outlets.

  6. It’s pathetic of Abbott not to do a live interview each week.I so hope Turnbull does the spot, but knowing how popular Turnbull is, Abbott will stop that.from happening.
    Abbott is a bad speaker and when he speaks it’s like he’s listening to someone say the words in his ear via a transmitter.

  7. The Libs are worried about him stumbling on Australian television but are not worried about him stumbling to run the country or on in the international arena? Run, Rabbot, Run.

  8. @ tihsamikah, completely agree with you 100%. In the interests of expediency, there are so many more facts and figures I could quote but this is David’s page and I respect his wishes.

  9. Any time Abbott is interviewed he is very obviously uncomfortable. Last year in a Today interview he was noticeably uncomfortable after he was forced to concede he hadn’t read a document after arguing about its content. He had a massive blinking fit and really proved he doesn’t have what it takes to be PM. Here on in Libs could only hurt their chances in the media so the less they pop up on these shows the better for the them.

  10. Have to agree with Gaz…they may be able to manage what Tony says on air pre election…but what about after…if he is elected….it makes me very nervous….think how people felt watching George W. in the US….there are so many of his bloopers on Youtube…and that will be what will happen here….scary!

  11. being the leader of this country means being able to talk to the people of this country openly and honestly. If you can’t do that on live tv, you can’t possibly have the brain capacity to lead this country.

    but lets be honest the less we see of Abbott the better.

    for the record I am a green’s supporter.

    Today and Sunrise should try to get someone from each major party on Fridays and have an informal debate, with this being an election year the more pressure we put our leaders under the better. We all know Abbott will be gone by the years end, He again will lose the election. Hopefully Gillard will to and here’s hoping gay marriage will be legalised this year and we can stop living in the stone-age… which ironically was more okay with gay relations than people today. go figure.

  12. Haha listen to all the labor ppl on here….while i think libs can pick a better candidate then tony, you actually think julia (who no one voted for) would be better with the labor spending (where is the promise surplus they keep peddling), and the carbon tax they said would never happen under there government (which is now in place), the wave after wave of illegal immigrants (get in line like other people). Labor hasnt has a surplus since around 1994….Libs are actually doing something for the country like tax breaks for people to settle in northern australia….you know…forward thinking that labor don’t do…. how many ppl quit labor when julia announced the election?

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