
Australia’s Got Backlash as readers reject Kyle Sandilands

Readers excited by Mel B. and Dawn French are rejecting the idea of Kyle Sandilands judging Australia's Got Talent.

2013-03-20_1722 aNine seemed to be doing so well with its judge announcements for Australia’s Got Talent.

Mel B (now in doubt due to legal proceedings) was a coup against rival Seven Network, Dawn French is widely popular. While some are still asking “who?” over Timomatic there are no such doubts over Kyle Sandilands, now confirmed as the fourth judge.

TV Tonight readers are making their feelings known. They don’t like him.

Many, who were genuinely excited by the names thus far, have indicated their lack of interest in sampling the show now he is attached.

But Nine is keen to attract media attention and more than a little of his Austereo radio audience which still rates well with a young audience.

Amongst some of the comments:

Really nine? You want to go there?

Channel nine were doing a great job picking the judges until Sandilands name came up. he will turn thousands of people of from watching the show

I feel very sorry for Dawn French, a hugely talented performer who has to earn a living and obviously is being paid a mottza to do this show.I wonder if she knows yet! Would have watched the show but not with Sandilands there.

This would be a stupid move by Nine.

What a stupid move, like a few noted I will not be watching then.

I really really hope not!!!

Bad Cal! No one actually likes him!

Just when AGT looked good due to no Grant Denyer, this news makes me wonder if I will be able to watch at all. Channel Nine please say no no no to Kyle.

If he’s there, I won’t be!

I’ll just watch something else can’t stand Kyle sandilands

Sandilands is nothing but ‘a mouth with a mike’. AGT is off my list.

It won’t bother me as I never watch these talent shows, one indistinguishable from the other. I might have been pursuaded because of Dawn French, but Kyle? Never.

If Kyle joins the panel, I will not watch Australia’s Got Talent .

I was going to watch AGT this year with Mel B, Dawn and Timomatic announced as judges but now I won’t be. Their ratings might flop if Kyle joins the panel.

I had to check the calendar to see if this was an April Fool’s joke but that’s still 12 days away. Nine must know that they’ll alienate many potential viewers with this choice.

This is madness. Everybody was hoping that when AGT went to Nine there would be no more Kyle. Now he’s back like a latter-day Freddie Krueger. Why did Nine pick up the show if they were just going to replicate what Seven did?

Why are commercial networks under the impression that we want to watch this guy?

Bad move Nine. Bad move!!! He must have an amazing Manager!

Why did they go to such lengths to get 3 new judges and then just give up on this fourth one?

If he is announced as the 4th judge I for one will not watch one second of Australia’s Got Talent – and I’m sure there’s 1000′s upon 1000′s out there who agree with me…

The Horror!!!!!!! If this is true, guaranteed I won’t be watching!

Urgh. Just when I thought I’d tune in to see what Dawn brings, this makes me reconsider.

Yet another reason to not watch this show!

Please, please, please No! Can’t stand Kyle. If he is the 4th judge then I won’t watch AGT.

Only a handful of supporters backed the move:

I hope this is true. Love Kyle.

I actually like Kyle and think he will be great for the show he says it how it is like Mel B- great line up.

Kyle and Mel B have great chemistry together – their interactions have been a highlight of the Kyle and Jackie O Show in the past and she had appeared regularly.

I love Kyle, will definitely be watching

I think he’ll be great, he always says exactly what the viewers are thinking. The man is a ratings machine, we all remember what happened to idol once they dumped Kyle.

34 Responses

  1. @steveany 2.0 : +1 there bro’.

    780 people cared enough to complete the last TVT survey so at least 733 of those haven’t yet commented on the previous article. I think I’m fairly safe in saying that not all of them would think that Mr Sandilands is a great guy.

    While some people may be apathetic, Sandilands is such a polarising personality that I’m willing to bet that they’d be a fairly small group. There are always people who have an opinion but who don’t necessarily express it at one time or another.

    That being said, people felt this way about Kyle before and AGT did ok on 7. I’m also willing to bet that some of the outraged commenters here will still watch AGT on 9, even if it’s just to reaffirm their disgust or try to kill Sandilands by shouting at their television.

  2. Well I think TV Tonight readers are a bit above the rest of the populace in that they say what they think and not care about whether it is perceived as whingeing, I think it is purely commenting on issues, and usually very informed comment.

  3. @Gaz & @ElKabong
    47 negative comments may not seem that many but I would venture that the true count of antipathetic TvT readers would be much, much higher. I for one have vented my spleen about vile kyle in many of David’s previous articles and frankly I’ve given up caring. I see that many of my fellow long-time commenters are similarly silent on this subject and probably feel as I do. There’s no doubt that TvT readers are a little more discriminating than most, but in my memory only NZ’s Paul Henry coming to “Breakfast” caused more outrage than Sandilands’ mindless offerings.
    And we were right about Henry, weren’t we?
    That said, there’s no question that many undemanding viewers get off on KS’s uncouth nastiness, posing as un-PC bravery, and will avidly watch him hoping for more.
    Finally – sorry to bang on – but I’m sure both kyle and Ch9 are loving this free publicity.

  4. I was going to give AGT a go this year when I heard about Dawn French & Mel B, but kyle is the kiss of death for me. It is so ironic that he is judging talent

  5. yes Kyle does have a lot of loyal 2 Day FM followers, I suspect mostly bogans with tat’s and single digit IQ’s . Sadly Kyle brings nothing to the table regarding any actual skill or knowledge of the entertainment business. But we all know that sometimes he who makes the most noise rates, so good luck to Nine with this one, I’ll be elsewhere though.

  6. Very disappointed in this decision. So many great people in the entertainment industry and they pick Kyle. He has no talent at anything, looks bored most of the time (when he does show up). This had the potential to be a really entertaining show. Will not be watching.

    1. TV Tonight readers whinge and whine about as much as News Ltd, Fairfax, Yahoo, NineMSN, Facebook and Twitter commentators. Whilst it’s fair to argue that online readers are a certain demographic, I would think it represents one AGT wants in their mix. Don’t look so much at the 47, you need to look at the proportions and the way it would potentially be magnified.

  7. I’ not convinced that TV Tonight commenters are an accurate indication of what the general TV viewing public think. TV Tonight commenters generally whinge and whine about anything and everything. Kyle is still number 1 in his radio timeslot, so he must be doing something right.

  8. The average joe blow loves Kyle. They connect with him as they see a bit of themselves in him. He says whats on his mind, not tip toeing around in case he upsets someone. some people call it being honest. TV is becomming too sanitised, we need colorful characters like Kyle. I am sure most people on here that bag Kyle, secretly will watch him as they seem to know lots about him and the people that love him are out working and raising families(normal people) and too busy to comment here to support him.

  9. What’s the big deal, AGT rated very well on Seven with Kyle. The people commenting about him probably weren’t watching then either, so no great loss.

  10. Kyle and his manager must have amazing compromising photo’s of various channel 9 exec’s to be offered this gig. AGT was looking so promising, Kyle’s just bad karma, full stop.

  11. I am not a fan of Kyle and do not like his trashy tv/radio persona at all. However you lot are vastly underestimating the ability of Dawn French & Mel B (if she is allowed) to put him in his place. Dawn is smart and intelligent, Mel is strong and vocal and I cannot see either of these 2 allowing Kyle to get away with any of his previous crap or dominate the show.

    This could be Kyle’s judgement day…..just sayin

  12. The comments were exactly the same when 7 hired him, which was just weeks after the lie detector scandal, the show went on to be one of the highest rating in history. So I doubt 9 care. The more backlash the better for them.

  13. I second all the emotions here. When will somebody wake up to the non-appeal of Kyle Sandilands? At least on TV, he is not the reason for the success of the programs he’s been on.

  14. Well I’m glad I had no intention of watching this show as I don’t like any of them. But they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with Kyle.

  15. As the likes of Nine have realised the power of social media by starting to cash-in on its now widespread use, will Nine listen to this social media avalanche? They should.

  16. Well summed up David

    I was rather excited about Mel B and Dawn French together. Thought they would make a nice little team and could be fun to watch for a good laugh. And was thinking I would tune in and give this a go (having never watched it on 7)

    But I can honestly say, in all seriousness, purely because of Kyle Sandilands, I will not watch.

    He never has anything intelligent or worthwhile to say imo.
    And stations should stop giving him air time and a microphone purely to grab publicity from his car crashes.

    I really thought ch9 had a chance with this show.
    Completely reboot it with a good makeover and it could have worked. A great 4th judge would have handed them a hit.
    Bringing along old trash that should have been left behind, I believe will be the nail in this reboots coffin.

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