
Bert, Ben and the bears

Bert & Patti and two hirsute Intruders entered Big Brother yesterday but only one duo stuck around.

2013-09-24_2353Bert and Patti, and two hirsute Intruders entered Big Brother yesterday but only one duo stuck around.

Ben’s surprise from Bert and Patti was television magic. “Oh Mr. Newton!” he declared, before being serenaded and given a new pair of Peter Alexander pyjamas.

Of course it was actually Bert’s second visit to the BB compound, having previously visited when he and the show were both part of the TEN Network.

But the fun ended later when two Intruders interrupted their sanctuary, 33 year old lumberjack Justynn and 35 year old Trivia Host Nathan who are hoping to stay on as new housemates.

Justynn (33) NSW Lumberjack
Describing himself “Single AS”, Justynn says he has issues with growing old, “30 wasn’t too bad but 33 just sounds officially old – it’s a third of your life gone!”
Originally from Lake Macquarie where he was raised alongside four brothers, he left in 2005 to tour the country with the Education Theatre (puppetry in primary schools) before setting up home in Sydney in 2009.
“I always wanted to be a musician so mum put me on stage as my face was too pretty for sport. I started singing, got in to a boy band in the late 1990s so I spent my late teens learning how to dance and click fingers in time with music.”
Now a lumberjack sporting long unruly hair and beard, the polished early days in a boy band are a distant memory. “I want to win. My game plan will be to keep Australia happy as opposed to the Housemates. I don’t clean and I’ll probably make the girls cry.”


Nathan (35) VIC Graphic Designer & Trivia Host
Part Samoan and part Scottish, Nathan is often likened to ‘Mr T’ and hails from a very worldly background. “The blokes wear skirts on both sides of my family.”
Born in New Zealand, Nathan moved to Australia at seven and spent his life constantly moving around throughout outback Australia and Victoria. “I went to 13 schools – we moved every year. After graduating school I started computer science and studied film and drama. I worked for free doing short films while freelancing as a film maker, web and graphic designer.”
An entertainer at spirit, Nathan is in an electro pop duo group where he wears a silver sequin Jumpsuit and Albert Einstein wig and runs a trivia show at a local Melbourne hotel.
Nathan says, “Going in the Big Brother House is something I’ve dreamed of my whole life. I haven’t had a lot of breaks in my life – I plan to make the most of every minute in there and spread some fun and laughter.”

Viewers will vote via a Jump-In poll to evict one next Monday night. But two more Intruders will also enter the game.

17 Responses

  1. @Carta

    The thing is when Ben was young Bert was just doing a morning infomercial type show.

    The Beatles can still capture people because there is a large body of work still available. Always been available.

    Bert and Patti did some stuff which pretty much has never been seen since. Certainly not in a manner exposing itself to a young child in the late 80s early 90s.

    That’s the thing I don’t get about it.

    I guess it must just be a buy into the ‘tv royalty’ and myth of Bert and Patti.

  2. @Jennome- This is how it starts. You innocently tune in a little early waiting for the next program when you wonder what on earth is going on. Then you start to recall the insightful comments on Tvtonight regarding the show. The next night you ”accidently” tune in early again just to remind yourself how you were right the first time in your estimation of the show, but then you realise you’ve remembered someone’s name or actually what’s going on unfortunately it’s too late because you’re now watching voluntarily and then you hear ‘Jennome, this is Big Brother’………………Bwahahahahahahahahahahah

  3. I can’t believe people seriously watch this show. I was stuck with the final 10 minutes the other night while waiting for whatever followed – it was just awful.

    Talk about a show about nothing. I fear for the youth of this world if they think this is entertainment. And to be seriously discussing it here – words fail me!

  4. @Dayman – as others have said, Bert is TV royalty. Ben would have grown up with Bert being on Channel 10. If Elvis and The Beatles can still capture the attention of people who were born decades after they were at their peak, why can’t an Australian TV icon?

  5. i had to make an account to comment! ive been reading these reviews for a while, and i was so happy that this actually ended up happening like it was suggested on here a while ago 🙂

  6. ‘two more Intruders will also enter the game’
    What.. then there no way the finale night on the 23rd of October wish i didn’t but tickets i wanted to go to the finale i notice the terms and conditions have changed on that competition so i guess they moved the finale night:(

  7. @Dayman; yes I get what you’re saying about the kitsch factor and Ben’s affect. I think his maternal figures’ influence shows there. Bert especially is tv royalty for a couple of generations of viewers; a bygone era. Ben seems to have been quite a loner and lonely figure, turning to his cultural heroes for solace.

  8. Yeah Bert & Patti seem lovely and all. It was fine. I still do just find the whole, ‘loves bert & patti thing to just be a bit of the kitsch act that Ben puts on.’

    I kind of don’t understand what on earth there is about them to be a fan of. They seem nice, they did sketchs and stuff on TV way before he was born and he probably has never been exposed to that. He has an Album they did in the 70s.

    What exactly is there to be a big fan of?

    It has to be part of the character he plays at in life yeah? Maybe echoing something from his Grandmother or something.

  9. Yes, I was moved too, but the ‘hair’ was just a bit creepy. Ben’s going to get eaten alive on the outside. His living alone and just pottering will be challenged severely by fame, but he seems like a genuine and sweet smart bloke. Another 2 intruders on the way also. That house is jumping!

  10. When Nine restarted BB there was criticism that there were no gay housemates like there were on TEN. With the gratuitous shots of the near naked guys with big muscles and chiselled abs and now two bears in the house, Nine have managed to do the next best thing in their “family friendly” version of the show. It would be interesting to see a demo breakdown of the ratings figures to see how many new gay viewers have been wooed to the show this season.

  11. Oh, it was so sweet Ben’s reaction to seeing Bert & Patti. He was so moved, I got a bit teary too.

    It will be interesting to see if Tim & Justynn get on like a house on fire and stir up trouble together, or hate each other and clash.

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