
Oops. One Direction in Doctor Who live fail.

Video: It's as if the universe decided there was no way it wanted One Direction coming anywhere near the Time Lord.

Amid all the wonderful Doctor Who celebrations, this was a pretty dodgy one to begin with: a live cross to One Direction during a Doctor Who special.

And the universe appeared to nix the idea quick smart.

Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman, Steven Moffat and John Hurt were in the BBC studios when a live cross to One Direction in the US went into meltdown, for all the wrong reasons.

An obvious audio delay meant everything was repeated twice.

“I love the fact that there are amazing things you can do with television and the Doctor can do anything, but we can’t get rid of the delay to LA. It’s incredible,” said the host.

At least the wonderful The Day of the Doctor and An Adventure in Space and Time made up for it!

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