
Returning: Friday Night Lights. Bumped: American Idol. Update: Death Valley

Some changes at ELEVEN over the next few weeks.

2014-02-20_0015Some changes at ELEVEN over the next few weeks:

Update: Death Valley on Monday nights is a single episode at 9:30pm. A 10pm movie Assassination Of A High School President. replaces a second ep and previoiusly-scheduled repeat of The 4400.

American Idol on Thursdays moves from 7:30 to 8:30pm from next week followed by a new season of Friday Night Lights. But Idol remains at 7:30pm on Fridays.

8 Responses

  1. Calling the Friday Night Lights new is stretching it, they are from 2010 and have screened several times on W. But good for FTA viewers to get to see the final season.

    Ten are just putting FNL on where ever they have a hole. It won’t get many viewers and that isn’t going to be affected by when or where it is shown. Both Ten and the ABC2 lost interest in it after S1 failed to appeal to Australian audiences.

  2. Friday Night Lights on a Thursday you say, strange. and what was wrong with it being on One? it may be 11’s target audience for the show but showing the last season is a bit too late. they should have done that a couple of seasons ago.

    at least there’s no more Sci-fi on Thursdays, hated they were showing old Star Trek!!

    can’t 11 come up with something better then a movie at 10? how about Being Human, Beauty and the Beast, Dexter or something else they are behind on?!

  3. On the EPG there is still an episode of Death Valley at 9:30 followed by that movie mentioned above.
    Also what was that about a 4400 repeat, I didn’t notice that one?

  4. Death Valley was double episodes and was airing 9:30 to 10 and then 10:00 to 10:30. Are you saying the whole show is out or are they reducing it to a single episode at 9:30 followed by a movie at 10?

  5. Hi David, There was a rumour that ELEVEN was going to be showing Reign this year. Any news on this or has this show been canned altogether? Would love to know an update if possible :)

  6. Love Friday Night Lights! Is this the final season ELEVEN are showing? That’s the only one i haven’t seen.

    A bit annoyed that Idol got bumped to 8:30pm on Thursdays, its hard to remember. Especially as ELEVEN (I don’t think) repeats Idol.

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