Reality battle still squeezing Biggest Loser
Ratings: The Reality battle at 7:30pm continues to see Biggest Loser squeezed by MKR and The Block.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
 The Reality battle at 7:30pm continues to see The Biggest Loser squeezed by My Kitchen Rules and The Block.
Despite TEN moving So You Think You Can Dance to Thursdays, it didn’t budge on Loser’s struggle in early evenings.
Last night Seven had another Tuesday win with a network share of 34.4% then Nine 28.8%, ABC 16.7%, TEN 15.2% and SBS 5.0%.
My Kitchen Rules led the night with 1.72m viewers then Seven News (1.11m / 1.08m), Home and Away (1.02m), Â Winners and Losers (886,000 / 749,000) and Million Dollar Minute (458,000). Botched Up Bodies was 256,000.
The Block (1.33m) was best for Nine then Nine News (1.16m / 1.1m), Â The Big Bang Theory (1.08m / 853,000), A Current Affair (1.03m), Hot Seat (601,000), 2 Broke Girls (533,000 / 367,000). Two and a Half Men was 318,000.
ABC News (880,000) led ABC1 then 7:30 (685,000), New Tricks (682,000), Family Confidential (560,000), At the Movies (446,000) and Hannah Gadsby’s OZ (248,000).
TEN Eyewitness News (616,000) was best on TEN then The Project (593,000 / 425,000), NCIS (571,000), NCIS: LA (511,000).  The Biggest Loser  was 390,000.
 Queen Victoria’s Children (355,000) did well for SBS ONE followed by Insight (182,000), World News Australia (153,000) and Dateline (118,000),
ABC2’s The Hive topped multichannels at 350,000.
Sunrise: 372,000
Today: 318,000
ABC News Breakfast: 73,000 / 45,000
Wake Up: 28,000
OzTAM Overnights: Tuesday 11 March 2014
- Tagged with 2 Broke Girls, 7:30, A Current Affair, ABC News, ABC News Breakfast, At the Movies, Botched up Bodies, Dateline, Family Confidential, Hannah Gadsby's OZ, Home and Away, Hot Seat, Insight, Million Dollar Minute, My Kitchen Rules, NCIS, NCIS: LA, New Tricks, Nine News, Queen Victoria's Children, Seven News, So You Think You Can Dance Australia, Sunrise, TEN Eyewitness News, The Big Bang Theory, The Biggest Loser, The Block, The Hive, The Project, Today, Two and a Half Men, Wake Up, Winners and Losers, World News Australia
25 Responses
Coming to think of it.Ten haven’t done a talk show since The Circle and Oprah ended and before that Rove Live finished.Even if it’s only on weekly it’s something fresh and new they could do with.Before Wake up existed they used to have Cartoons to start the day on
This Week Live was last year.
I can’t help but think that Ten’s scheduling of The Biggest Loser to coincide with the Winter Olympics didn’t encourage any viewer loyalty this season. One night its on the next it’s not. All of these reality shows need consistent time slots. It takes time for viewers to decide which contestant they are going to root for and if you miss a couple of episodes then you’ve got no chance. TBL was always going to lose out to MKR and The Block too, why not schedule it better?
On that late night idea for Ten it just reminds me that they used to have Late Night News with Sandra Sully. Plus Sports Tonight.
Although I’m finding it mysterious why anyone would expect brilliant writing or plotting from NCIS. My assumption is people watch it because they like the characters. Not for its brilliance. It is often why I watch some shows. But I don’t claim to be everyone. I’m glad it helped get Ten over 10% of the audience.
I also wish to thank the ABC for the repeat of Four Corners and Media Watch. I didn’t mind the warnings about the content of the latter before the show began. Not that it would put me off. Nor would I complain about the content without it. But at least you can say people were warned.
Yes 500k people will watch an episode clearly designed to get away with bottle episode by introducing a major character. The plotting was abysmal.
Stalin was caught after he posed as an FBI agent to recover a bug and shown downloading intel from Sec Nav’s bug, the day before. Yet later Stalin is not involved in the operation but was later offered the intel by Gracy after Stalin himself downloaded it.
Gracy shot an NSA agent but left the money in an extortion attempt because he got a better offer for the intel, why not extort and sell it anyway? And yet he had a deal and was working with Stalin days before the extortion attempt.
They find evidence Gracy was randomly mailing out bugged pens to hundreds of people, in which they can find no pattern just to see what he could get and sell. Yet later it was a targeted corporate espionage campaign that was spying on non-competitors…
wow now Charlie has quit the project.
Channel 7 you took of Parenthood and put on a ridiculous show that thankfully I avoided about botched surgeries and you are doing the same thing again. Pathetic.
Yes, am enjoying Hannah Gadsby’s new Art show as well and agree that she’s a very likeable, personable presenter.
Wouldn’t the project do better with a 30 min ep anyway?
As a loyal and committed viewer of BL I am sad to see it dying. Agree this season is seriously lacking in something – my favourite season was when I was getting a mixture of 30m and 1hr shows stripped all week.
Now for the important bit of my complaint – not happy at all that I now have a day in between my BL episodes to compensate for the bomb that is SYTYCDA.
BL has been around a lot bloody longer than Dance and has a lot more relevance to society. Bah !
@ smit0847 – I was wrong about the ratings for the programs TEN aired between Breakfast and Wake Up, with them all being under 35k (with the exception of Judge Judy but that figure is averaged with it’s afternoon screening). See the link below for more info.
NCIS refuses to lay down and die. It has always done well with the older demos, maybe Ten should be going hard for the 55+ market?
Ten really needs to move the biggest loser to 7pm I just can’t understand why they haven’t done it already. It’s like they are scared they will lose viewers but they need to start taking chances otherwise they are never going to regain there viewers they once had.
@Ryan why move a show to 7.00pm that’s rating 200k less than what is currently on?
Face it, The Project is doing quite well for Ten currently in comparison to anything else at any other timeslot (eg. NCIS 571k vs TBBT 1.08mil vs W&L 886k vs New Tricks 682k at 8.30/9.00). There’s no ‘let’s move NCIS’ tirade, despite it coming fourth constantly!
I reckon 248k for Hannah Gadsby’s show at 10pm at night is a a pretty decent effort. I didn’t think much of some of the contemporary art they showed but that’s a matter of taste and I’ll certainly watch it again. I find her a very watchable and personable presenter.
Brax is back and home and away rates over a million….my hopes of less Braxton gets dashed.
steviem: Agreed. The late night market is untapped. Ten could establish themselves there with a nightly chat show.
There seem to be many recent suggestions about ch10 moving shows to Thu,Fri & Sat, so they don’t suffer from strong competition.
What the hell on they gonna replace them with that will rate better?
I think its time for Ten to put Wake Up to bed, perhaps in future before idiotic decisions to axe shows like “The Circle” are a bit better thought out than just a rush of blood to the head snap decision to announce an axing via the media before even telling staff on the show.
Turn Off Ten is more apt
Ten are only putting off the inevitable! They need to move reality to 7pm now to get people used to it before masterchef comes because it they leave masterchef @ 7.30 if will be killed by houserules
I don’t think Ten should axe TBL.
It should be screened earlier or maybe on Thurs,Fri & Sat night when people don’t have to choose between the three reality shows.
A good improvement for TEN News and The Project. If only the first half hour of TP could stay above 500k. Also, if TBL can pull such bad numbers yet NCIS and NCIS LA remain over 500k I’d love to see how they go once TBL finishes and they have a better lead-in.
@ Shoudy Chen – TEN finished filming TBL before it even started airing so they have to air the entire season if they hope to break even.
@ smit0847 – American syndicated programs and replays of the afternoon soap opera, which if I recall all rated better than 25k.
IF Channel TEN are serious they need a high profile late night show…maybe Rove?? So when people go to bed TEN is the channel there TV’s switch off to. Then at least in the morning Wake Up has a fighting chance as people turn on they might see something they like.
I wonder when 10 will dump Wake Up. Those numbers are still dreadful and not getting any better and it must be a very expensive show to produce.
David, what was on before Wake Up started last year? Did it rate better than 28k?
Channel Ten’s TBL gets beaten by Seven, Nine and ABC. That should hurt even more. Ten should axe TBL.