
Bumped: The Biggest Loser

TEN has belatedly reacted to ailing numbers for The Biggest Loser, replacing it with a Jamie Oliver series.

2014-04-03_0003TEN has belatedly reacted to ailing numbers for The Biggest Loser, removing it from its current timeslots next week, and replacing it with a Jamie Oliver series, Jamie & Jimmy’s Food Fight Club.

The replacement show will air next Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30pm.

7:30pm Tuesday
“Usain Bolt”
Jamie reveals how to cook the ultimate steak, Jimmy produces succulent tandoori chicken and celebrity chef Usain Bolt cooks up the dish that’s the secret to his success: his Aunt’s Jamaican Jerk pork.

7:30pm Wednesday
“Sienna Miller”
On the café’s menu tonight: Celebrity chef Sienna Miller cooks a rich Tuscan duck ragout with pici pasta and Jamie goes for the wow factor with his whole sea bass baked in salt.

At this stage it’s unclear where remaining Biggest Loser episodes will be scheduled, but the 2 hr finale is locked in for 6:30 pm Sunday April 13.

Friday’s episode still airs at 8:30pm tomorrow night.

27 Responses

  1. I’m glad it’s not up against The Block finale.
    Despite the low ratings there are some of us out there that enjoyed TBL.
    Hope it comes back next year but I doubt it.

  2. Lets say that next year Ten drop TBL and make The Project 30 minutes (6:30pm-7pm). What the heck are they going to put in between 7pm-8:30pm each night?

  3. I agree that ‘bumping’ the show this week is a stupid move but Ten has made an enormous number of stupid decisions since Lachlan was hired.

    The show isn’t bad – it was just put up against two mega ratings hits.

    Same thing goes for the excellent SYTYCDA.

    I can’t see either shows being renewed in 2015 and that is sad.

    But Ten has to be more worried about MCA cos it seems that the million dollar executives are planning to screen it directly after the MKR finale and up against The Voice and House Rules.

    Ten really needs to get rid of all their so called millionaire executives cos they really don’t know what they are doing.

  4. DanR – I take exception Ararat is not an ugly town. I grew up there and it is in Central Victoria on the great divide.

    Its the gateway to the Grampians and has great views of the surrounding ranges.

    Maybe the people aren’t interesting on the show, I wouldn’t know as I have never watched it.

  5. I believe there is only the Biggest Loser finale left to show because this is the final week.
    And I hope TEN brings back The Biggest Loser next year because I think it is a great show and all they have to do is change the timeslot (7pm) and not put it against MKR and The Block (and those shows suck too.)

  6. @Realitywriter. Working globally?

    From the age:
    “The 15th US season premiere last October was 27 per cent down on the preceding season premiere. It posted a similar drop for its season finale in January, shedding around one fifth of the audience from the previous season finale.”


  7. What????? Not long till the end and they pull it now? Are they stupid or just stupid?????

    Or is it just finale is left? I’m a bit behind…. just seen makeovers so have the rest on my iq.

    Ten need a kick up the bum. lol.

  8. @Aryan3 – I can’t recall the finale ever airing over 2 nights, always a 2 hour finale. And if indeed Friday (tomorrow) is the 2nd last episode, why leave a gap of 9 days to finale? And if it’s all about avoiding The Block finale, why not choose another night during this week?

  9. I think many of the contributors to this site have a soft spot for Ten. We want to see them do well as the underdog against the big 2. But it is so hard when they really don’t help themselves. Of course there’s the obvious craziness of ignoring the need for scheduling changes for weeks and weeks, and then pulling the show in its final week, and then not telling viewers where it has been moved to. But almost as crazy is why they would air the finale on a completely different night to when it has been shown all series! Everything about this defies belief.

  10. They messed with the formula this year and it just didn’t work. I enjoyed previous seasons but couldn’t get into this one. Mostly unlikeable contestants from an ugly town no one was ever going to care about. And not enough Michelle Bridges.

    Well done Ten, you’ve killed yet another one of your franchises. Seriously unbelievable.

  11. Folks all that has happened is that they have just bumped the finale to get it out of the way of The Block finale. Instead of airing over 2 nights, they will just air it on 1 night out of the way of The Block. It is not a response to ailing numbers – just that the show would be better served not up against The Block for its final episode

  12. I do not understand your comment ‘it is unclear where remaining BL episodes will air’. The second last episode is still airing tomorrow night (Friday). All that was left was the 2 part finale which you have said will air Sunday April 13th. There are no other episodes. What did you mean?

  13. The horse has bolted so maybe Ten should have left the gate open rather than close it now.
    I commented previously that I believe that the show is
    solid in that the format has, and still is working globally. The content this year has let the format down. Arawho? why would the rest of Australia be remotely concerned with a country Victorian towns weight issues? Please do not abandoned the show because the writers and producers got it wrong. The show hasn’t sunk below the waterline yet, creative writing can and would see it bounce back.

  14. Slightly confused by this. Admittedly I was one of the 300k who watched this last night, and certainly I got the impression that there’s not a whole lot left. How can episodes be bumped when there’s no content to show? The preview of this Friday’s episode (to me at least anyway) shows that it’s setting up for the finale…

  15. TBL cannot win due to abominable ratings this season. If TBL continues this type of ratings then this show should be axed.
    @Paul Fimmel – Channel Ten has cracked the million ratings mark (Australian F1 GP). They have had a huge ratings success.
    @Randwick Some people decided to watch other shows on Seven and Nine.

  16. It’s sad to see how much this show has suffered this year. I remember last year, the series started with around 700,000 viewers and its finale got a whopping 1.25m (for TEN that was amazing); but sadly this year it has become a flat, non-watched mess for TEN. Sadly, i am starting to fear for other shows later this year such as Masterchef that look excellent in early advertisements (MKR is about fighting, not enough about the food) and of course, the gold logie winning performance of Asher Keddie in Offspring (hopefully a second gold logie). Hopefully, a miracle can come down upon Network TEN and shine a halo across the shows coming up this year.

  17. Sorry, just plain dumb. For the loyal fans (a quarter of a million of them), their show is whisked away and placed somewhere else. It has been lagging for most of the series. I can’t see it being renewed. The fact that this series was made back to back with the 2013 one suggests that even last year they figured it was at its end.

  18. TEN just can’t win – for weeks (or months really) people have been commenting saying that TBL needs to be moved (I believe even TV Tonight has said it), but when they finally do it’s that close to the finale it doesn’t seem logical given it will only further drop the finale’s numbers. But nevertheless, I really hope for TEN’s sake that Jamie can pull some good numbers as he has done in the past as their current state is just plain depressing.

  19. Yet TBL is still on Friday night, where it doesnt even hit the top 20, becasue people are expecting a movie, or switch to the ABC to watch a scripted drama ….

  20. two weeks from the end and they pull it now! what were they thinking.

    if the programming boffins and senior management knew that the show was barely rating (beaten at least twice by SBS is definately a reason for the panic button) they should have pulled it earlier.

    why did Ten even bother to ‘turn on’ this year. they haven’t had a show clear one million all year.

    Simply: their year is screwed (and it’s early April).

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