It’s “The End” insists A Place to Call Home
When the credits roll next Sunday night, let there be no doubt. It's "The End" says Seven.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
Next Sunday night’s episode of A Place to Call Home will finish with two words: “The End.”
At just 23 episodes the period drama starring Marta Dusseldorp and Noni Hazlehurst will bow out, despite still pulling close to a million viewers.
For fans of the show, TV Tonight can confirm there is a conclusion to current storylines, although it does feel like some of them have been hurriedly wrapped up.
One subplot which appears to have hinted at more for a third season is stopped in its tracks. It’s unclear if Seven filmed dual endings in case the series was not renewed.
Seven has also been coy about how much had been developed for a third season, whether fully-written by creator Bevan Lee or not. Lee, who had spoken about a 3-season vision for the show, is understood to have been looking at more scenes into the future for the characters.
A Seven spokesperson recently stressed to TV Tonight, “The decision not to proceed on Series 3 was a Programming decision not a creative decision.”
Other drama projects in development, include a completed pilot called Hartman’s Solution and more of Rebecca Gibney’s Killing Field vehicle, under a new name.
On social media, APTCH fans are still peeved taking to Facebook and an online petition.
The final episode begins at 9:15pm on Sunday.
And “The End” will roll at 10:15pm.
- Tagged with A Place to Call Home, Hartman's Solution, The Killing Field
32 Responses
well im very disappointed. Its nice to watch a show that has beautiful characters, setting and costumes. Its also nice to learn about the history of what is was like back then.
Im disappointed for all the people who will be out of work and hope they find some soon.
But I will just miss watching this great aussie show and what ever 7 puts in place I hope it flops. C7 used to be the home of Australian drama but not now.
PS. CH7 keep your hands off winners and losers.
Very very disappointed in channel 7. I love aptch and really love my Sunday nights when it’s on. I couldn’t wait for season 2 to start and now they end it. Very very disappointed. One of the best shows on Australian TV. With fantastic actors to boot.
They cancel a great show like APTCH and then try to fob Killing Field onto us with a new name. Sounds pretty desperate if you ask me. I certainly won’t be wasting my time with it. If I want to watch quality crime drama, I’ll watch something from the US or UK. APTCH was one of the few Australian shows I could actually watch – and now they’ve canned it. Well Channel 7 you deserve all the bad ratings you get.
I concur with everyone else that states it was a drama of difference!
Funny how 7 keep making the same mistakes. I didn’t watch Always Greener, but it did get axed after two seasons with high ratings!
Just because they will have enough drama points for 2015 with their current plans is Insulting!
Hartman’s Solution and Killing Field both do not seem original or different! Last network 7!
Not happy, Seven.
I have my Cranky Pants on with 7 tonight.
Oh the arrogance of it all.
I didn’t enjoy watching APTCH because I found it quite boring.
It cannot have been the ratings. Each week great numbers. Treated poorly with 8.30 start, then 9.15 start and even 9.40 start.
Must have been the production cost, no other logical reason but has caused brand damage to Seven.
Why channel 7 axed this show is beyond me, it is good Aussie drama, good storylines covering most aspects of life in those days, and the ratings were good to say that they have moved it from different timeslots each week, viewers are creatures of habit and if it was uniform from week to week it would have been better, I am really disappointed with 7.
Channel 7 should take note of the Facebook page: Save A Place To Call Home which has attracted over 4,400 members all of whom are aghast that the channel is axing this show. Nearly everyone says it is the most intelligent drama Australia has ever produced and most are sick of cheap reality shows. It would be interesting to know the average age of reality show audiences and am guessing that Gen Y is dictating what the rest of are able to watch on TV. If that’s the case, then Channel 7 takes its cue from teenagers. The comment from the Channel that this is not a creative decision but a financial one is pathetic. Perhaps the level of creativity of its accountants is on a par with the Gen Y mentality!
How many other shows have produced close to a million viewers at 10pm on a Sunday in recent years?
Absolutely mind boggling decision from Seven.
Very, very disappointed in this decision by 7. I still can’t believe it’s been cancelled. The network has certainly done it no favours this year by starting it at irregular times, it should have been in a consistent 8.30 Sunday night slot. I am at least grateful that they are wrapping everything up as much as they can in Sunday night’s ep, I was worried that we would be left with some kind of cliffhanger.
Watching the “next week” preview last night, I wondered whether it was going to be a two-hour finale, because there was so much to cover. It’s a great show and I would much rather have seen them end “Winners and Losers” (which I do enjoy) than this – it’s a much classier form of drama and is of a genre that Australia hasn’t really explored much in recent years. Such a shame.
Just putting The End up….will not put an end to folk being really cranky with Seven.
This really really disappoints me. The #1 drama of 2013 they were advertising last night yet they decided to pull the axe. Its so sad to see it go. I’m sorry but i don’t accept the answers Seven have given to me via social media or their call centre. I want a real justification of why. 1m viewers + 250k extra watching during the week isn’t enough? All for what? I’m really really gutted about the decision :(
I agree with Jeepman and Mistaken. This is a great show and Rebecca Gibneys show is just a remix of Hallifax. Maybe she could get a role in series 3 of APTCH.
Really disappointed to see the show cancelled. Unfortunately we are in the grip of ‘death by reality tv’. I long for the days when 7:30pm/8:30pm meant sitting down to quality dramas.
Love Rebecca Gibney and Peter O’Brien but Killing Fields wasn’t exactly enthralling.
I am in absolute shock and horrified at the axing of “A Place to Call Home”. This has been the best thing to come out for years, only to be robbed after 2 Series….Shame on you Channel 7!
I’d like them to do a final episode like the final episode of 21 Jump Street. Set it 30 years into the future, put some ageing makeup on the actors, have their grandkids there and reminisce about old times (clips from the show). In 21 Jump Street they had modernistic architecture and monorails outside to illustrate what they thought life might be like in the Noughties. With APTCH they would only need to illustrate the 1980s and we all know what life was like during that golden era.
Yes, I certainly will be boycotting 7. No X factor for me this year. I can’t remember when a show this good, was nipped in the bud so early on. It does seem that seven were not happy about stories planned for next year. They even seem quite spiteful in their programming recently, un advertised two hour eps and late 9.30 starts for a once flagship show. And the way you have described how they are quickly going to tie things up does not sound satisfying to us viewers at all. I think I would rather it be left open ended in the hopes that some other network would pick it up for one final season.
How many forensic murder shows do we need on this planet???? Seriously….I love Rebecca Gibney, but I won’t watch that show!
How many reality shows do we need that show the bottom of the barrel of society??
The reason that APTCH was so loved is because it was different from all the junk thats been forced upon us!! I think we’ll be buying old TV shows on DVD and watch them because there is nothing worth watching on TV anymore!
By the way, we’ll be boycotting channel 7!
In the original press release Seven claimed it was due to script and storyline difficulties.
It looks like it was based on cost, demographics of the audience and other shows meeting the drama quota for 2015, but Seven have refused to answer questions put to them about those.
Can we lobby Sunrise for season 3 of APTCH please?
Very short sighted on channel 7’s behalf. APTCH was definitely headed to become Australia’s Downton Abbey. Last nights episode was very good, but you can see the storyline has been pushed along faster than intended.