
Mark Ferguson signs new Seven contract

Seven backs Mark Ferguson with a new 5 year contract.


Just days after The Telegraph asked when Seven would move on Sydney newsreader Mark Ferguson’s losses to Nine, it has published a story that he has been signed to a new 5 year contract.

The ink had dried before Chris Bath announced her departure.

Sydney News Director Chris Willis tells the newspaper: “We actually acknowledge we have got a long way to go (to catch Nine) but we are seeing some signs of progress. People forget Ian Ross took two years to win us the ratings [after coming out of retirement in 2003 following 38 years at Nine] and we do see Mark as the future.

“Our strategy is one of perseverance. We have the same number of reporters (as Nine), the same number of stories most nights, and I would argue we break more stories than they do.”

36 Responses

  1. I think Mark is the face of Channel 7 and 6pm news. I watched Brian Henderson for 30 years. He read the news Monday to Friday 6pm sharp, left at 6.31pm. Did not do twitter, facebook or dancing with the stars, or one to one interviews, he had confidence and charm. Mark without doubt has looks, sophistication and a very eloquent voice. Viewers put so much pressure on newsreaders, we have high expectations and demand so much, when all they need to do is read the news, maybe get a special story to educate ourselves. TV Channels damage viewer confidence and familiarity constantly rotating rosters. Brian Henderson was No. 1 for years because it was just him, and we felt a sense of loyalty and connection. 9 lost me when Mark left amongst other good presenters and staff. This constant need to rely on ratings is a misconception that they are better, sadly I believe this is not the case,…

  2. I can’t believe the amount people who don’t find him a good newsreader,I think he does quite a good job,after all why would seven him up for another five years.

  3. I think Channel 7 News in Queensland should get rid of their ads which say ‘Queenslands Number 1 News’, because Channel 9 is winning that ratings war (I think) David Knox help me out here please.

    1. 7 run similar promos in Sydney even though they get smashed in the ratings on a daily basis. 9 Brisbane are definitely topping the news ratings in Brisbane. Seven get away with the promos because they are number one in the ratings nationally.

  4. I’d Mark Ferguson when he was at Channel 9 but since he moved to 7 i don’t as much. don’t get me wrong he is a good journalist but him reading the news at 7 is not a good idea. Maybe if 7 added a female news lady and they did the news together- maybe Mark Ferguson and Natalie Barr could work, but who knows what 7 will do. My Favourite news readers are: Sandra Sully and Peter Overton. If Channel 10 are gonna hire Chris Bath maybe they should put her with Sandra Sully and have them 2 do the 6pm news together.

  5. I like Mark, but I have to agree with what others have said, he is just not working as the headline newsreader for Seven News. They need to replace him; compared with other newsreaders like Peter Overton, Chris Bath and Sandra Sully, he just lacks a visible on-air personality. And the promos that Seven do to try and sell you on him just seem like they’re trying too hard.

    Perhaps they could move Natalie Barr into that position? She’s a great newsreader and is well overdue for a meatier role.

  6. Ian Ross resonated with viewers but Chris bath and mark Ferguson just don’t …can’t explain it they just don’t …the fact that Peter Overton is top reader is a mystery to me as well. Lowest common denominators rule. Pete is probably a nice guy but he comes across all fake sincerity to me.
    Chris Willis had nothing going to do with luring roscoe to seven by the way I’ll give Leckie that nod plus a conversation with a mysterious backroom guy at seven no not Peter meakin . ..
    Chris Willis must be the luckiest guy in TV at the moment keeping his job without apparent trace of ideas..
    five year deal makes mark the second luckiest !

  7. Why were Brian Henderson and Ian Ross so popular? Because they had charisma. Unfortunately Ferguson lacks charisma and it is something you can’t ‘learn’. Seven failed Chris Bath miserably by having Ferguson hovering in the background in every promo they ever made since she took the reins. She deserved better and kudos to her for walking away from a news department that refuses to acknowledge the fact the content of its’ bulletin and production are the underlying problems. The cherry on the top of the disaster that Seven News has become is Ferguson.

    Replacing Rod Young and Kay McGrath in Brisbane was another massive mistake. They were winning Brisbane. Since they were replaced 9 has overtaken.

    Here’s hoping Chris Bath is snapped up sooner rather than later and forges ahead with her career.

  8. Never liked Peter Overton, always seems to be over the top reading news, Mark Ferguson is much better and more interesting to listen to when he reads the news, I think the reason that seven news is lagging behind nine is the programmes that lead up to the news, people are watching a specific show and after that finishes don’t bother to turn over to another channel, if seven could get better ratings leading up to the news I think you would see a big turn around with viewers watching seven.

    1. I totally agree, there is clearly a misconception their. I believe most guys watch the sports on 9, and they leave the channel on to watch Current Affairs. As clearly Home and Away is not getting ratings anymore. But Mark is for sure by far, a better face for news and Channel 7. 9 created a mutiny when they lost ratings, and everyone deflected to other channels. they lost my respect. Desperate for ratings constantly when 7 does have much better shows.

  9. Ill be very interested to see how Mel Doyle rates doing sydney weekends. IMO she is the best live newsreader in the country- she does a live cross like no one else.
    Her situation is kind of like Katie Courics!!

  10. Don’t watch any so called “news” anymore. Too many stories where you think “Why is this news?” They really seem like they are struggling to fill an hour. All the 24hr news channels seem to find lots of real news.

  11. I liked mark, love chris, I think the way mark took weeknights and chris went to weekends was poorly handled and turned me off Mark. But id chose him anyday over peter overton, to me he comes across as a fake, smug, try-hard.

    I’m surprised at a 5 year contract, the ratings speak for themselves, nothing about 7news sydney should be locked in like that, everything up for consideration. Chris’ departure posed a good opportunity for a bold new overhaul in the coming months. deliver a younger and fresher team and use the savings from their salaries on more professional graphics & presentation.

    If Matt Doran’s LA move is a fizzer pick him up.

  12. Big mistake. He’s the wrong person for the job. He’s had his chance and viewers don’t warm to him. He’s a great guy don’t get me wrong, i’ve had the chance to meet him but he’s not the right fit. He failed at Nine and now he’s failed at Seven. How Seven don’t see this is beyond me. If Seven are going to stick with him then they need to make massive changes, set, presentation everything. Not just minor tweaks. Major overhaul!

  13. Peter Overton is very popular with viewers so no matter who Seven put on the news desk, the ratings won’t get any better. Ferguson is the best choice Seven have and plus he’s a Manly supporter so at least he supports the right footy team.

  14. SAr8 – Look at the ratings for Seven News Adelaide and you will see, they win hands down everynight from Nine News in Adelaide also usually Brisbane and always Perth. It’s mainly 7 News Sydney and Melbourne that are the losers.

    1. From what I’ve heard recently: Brisbane’s currently got 9 leading 16 weeks to Seven’s 1 Mon-Fri, and 14 weeks to Seven’s 3 weeks, when 7 day figures are taken into account.

      In fact, Brisbane’s 6pm slide is just as big a problem as Sydney/Melbourne for Seven these days: yet why the network isn’t acting on all three.

      The problem for Seven lies in the content and the length of the bulletin. A return to a meatier, faster-paced 1/2hr news service (and possibly moving MDM or even a 1/2hr AU version of The Chase to 6:30) would instantly make major gains.

    2. 9 news Brisbane now leads 7 there significantly. 9 news Adelaide has caught up a lot to 7 in Adelaide, infact winning a couple of nights in the 6-6.30pm slot and very close now 6.30-7pm. But yes by far 9 is getting smashed in Perth where 7 is superior.

  15. stopped watching 7 news, he was one of the reasons, the fact that so much entertainment related news is included instead of important things is the other. When will 7 wake up that their current formula just isn’t going to win it for them.

  16. There have not been any signs of progress – infact 7 news Sydney has completely reversed in terms of ratings and quality since they switched Bath & Ferguson. Although Ferguson is a confident presenter, he lacks personality and experience to lead 7 news. They either need to pair him up with someone or demote him to 7’s 4pm news. Overall, there arw way more signs that 7 news is in major trouble nationally.

    1. “Lacks experience”? More than 30 years not enough?
      After working with regional stations in NSW & Qld he joined the Seven Network in 1989 and reported for a number of Seven News programs, including 11AM and Hinch. He moved to Seven in Sydney in 1991, before moving to Nine in 1992. At Nine he became London correspondent and reported from the UK on a number of major stories including the death of Princess Diana. In 1997 he returned to Sydney as a reporter and in 2001 became a presenter, initially on the National Nine Early News at 6am, and later the National Nine Morning News at 11am. During this time he was also a back-up presenter for the main 6pm news, meaning he was presenting the news during the time of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami disaster in south-east Asia. His effort during this coverage saw him appointed to the main job on a permanent basis. In July 2009, it was revealed that…

      1. Experience means absolutely nothing when you don’t resonate with the audience. He failed at Nine so why Seven thought and continues to think he’s the answer to its’ serious woes is beyond me.

  17. Sorry Mark but I really don’t like him as a newsreader. Ever since he took over for Chris, me and my family seem to watch less and less of 7 in the late afternoon/early evening. We watch 10’s 5pm news famiky feud.

      1. Compare youtube clips of Mark and Peter Overton. Peter is like Peter Hitchener; his charisma radiates through the camera. Mark is competent but hust doesn’t resonate.

      2. I feel like he lacks the personality and charisma. He might be a nice guy but I feel like I can get more personality and charisma from a robot.

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