
60 Minutes: April 10

Tomorrow, a story on Angela and Colin Kiszko, whose son was ordered to have chemotherapy against their wishes.


Tomorrow on 60 Minutes, nothing formal from Lebanon, but there is a story on Angela and Colin Kiszko, whose son was ordered to have chemotherapy, against their wishes.

Tough Treatment
For any parent, a sick child is always a concern. So imagine the devastation of Perth parents Angela and Colin Kiszko when they were told their six-year-old son had an aggressive brain tumour. They put their trust in the doctors and were relieved when he came through gruelling surgery. But when Angela and Colin were told their boy would need chemo and radiotherapy, they refused to give consent. What followed was a bruising and protracted battle – over a doctor’s duty of care and a parent’s right to choose. And all the while a little boy’s life was left hanging in the balance.
Reporter: Liz Hayes
Producer: Mary Ann Jolley, Alice Dalley

The Write Stuff
Here’s a terrible statistic: there are one million schoolkids in this country who can’t read properly. As a nation we should be ashamed. But if we’re serious about fixing the problem, maybe we need to pay attention to a former punk-rocking anarchist whose formula for the write stuff is to be very wrong. Children’s author Andy Griffiths is happily – and defiantly – disgusting. In his page-turners, no bodily function is too repulsive: pooing, farting and vomiting rule. It’s guaranteed that kids will be revolted. They’ll probably laugh a lot too. But best of all, without even realising it, they’ll be reading.
Reporter: Ross Coulthart
Producer: Rebecca Le Tourneau

Out of this World
Charles Wooley is not usually lost for words, but when he met the star of this story for the first time he was speechless. She’s a complete diva, mysterious and unpredictable. She makes visitors travel to the end of the earth to see her, and then more often than not snubs them by not even bothering to show up. Wooley was one of the fortunate ones though when the Northern Lights – the Aurora Borealis – deigned to greet him in all her heavenly splendour. And when he did manage to speak, all he could say was … aaaahhhhh.
Reporter: Charles Wooley
Producer: Nick Greenaway

8:15pm Sunday on Nine.

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