No companion for Doctor Who Christmas special?
Speculation is gathering on what Whovians can expect in this year's Xmas special.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
According to UK media reports Peter Capaldi’s Time Lord will not have a temporary companion for his Doctor Who Christmas special this year.
Pearl Mackie won’t appear until the first episode of the 2017 series -the final under showrunner Steven Moffat.
Matt Lucas returns for the Christmas special as Nardole, River Song’s former assistant. He will also appear in 2017.
Another guest character is tipped to be played by Canadian actor Justin Chatwin (Shameless, War of the Worlds) as a “superhero character.”
Head writer Steven Moffat has indicated that the Christmas special will have “a lot of heart…[and] a lot of brain too”, while Mark Gatiss said the script made him cry.
Meanwhile ABC this week confirmed spin-off series Class would be fast-tracked in October.
Source: Radio Times
- Tagged with Class, Doctor Who
4 Responses
Maybe I didn’t make my point well enough, maybe it was the fact that the Doctor didn’t believe it was really Robin Hood and his Merry Men, and wasn’t having any of Robin’s bravado. Which will probably happen in this Christmas episode.
The idea of the slightly grumpy and caustic 12th doctor meeting a superhero full of good intentions and the need to constantly save the world sounds delicious. Others apart from Mark Gatiss who have read the script think it among the best steven Moffat has ever written. Very exciting!! Last year’s Who Christmas special was gloriously entertaining. Looks like this yewr’s might top that.
Much like the Robots of Sherwood Forest episode, which was good.
If utterly stupid…
(To paraphrase myself from elsewhere around the time it aired: how does ‘engine parts made from gold’ lead to ‘sticking an arrow in the outside boosts the spaceship into orbit’? It doesn’t – it’s just lazy, dumb writing.
If the same scenario had been written for Tom Baker-era Who, he would’ve ad-libbed a short “oh, you know … it was nothing [cheesy grin]!” explanation – and that would’ve made more sense!)