
60 Minutes: Nov 20

60 Minutes features a story on Lion, starring Dev Patel, filmed in Australia.


60 Minutes features a story on the upcoming true-story film Lion, starring Dev Patel (Skins) and filmed in Australia.

Impossible Choice
As a journalist, Elle Halliwell is used to reporting the news, good and bad. But nothing could prepare her for the devastating news she received in April about herself. She was diagnosed with an incurable cancer called Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia. Understandably Elle was in shock but then 48 hours later she received more news. She was pregnant with her first baby. Doctors advised her to terminate her pregnancy and begin cancer treatment immediately. Elle and her husband Nick were faced with an awful and cruel dilemma – to save Elle’s life, they should sacrifice their unborn child. The decision they made is both inspiring and heartbreaking.
Reporter: Allison Langdon
Producer: Stefanie Sgroi

Pablo Escobar: My Father
It wasn’t just that Pablo Escobar peddled tonnes and tonnes of narcotics around the world, seemingly without fear of being caught, which made him so terrifying. Or the intimidation and extreme violence he used to maintain control of his evil empire. Or even that this drug lord became richer and more powerful than Colombia, the country he lived in. The scariest thing about Pablo Escobar is that so many people revered him as a hero. And they still do, even though it’s 20 years since he was killed. Colombia is slowly recovering from the deadly narco wars of the 1980s and 90s, and Escobar’s son, Juan Pablo Escobar, is slowly starting to make sense of an extraordinary life with the megalomaniac he called Dad.
Reporter: Tara Brown
Producer: Steven Burling

Less is More
At his peak, famed rugby player Peter Fitzsimons was one of our leanest and meanest athletes. But after the Wallabies a sedentary life, junk food and too much grog took its toll on his physique. Like many other blokes, he became fat – “fatty boomka” is how he described himself. Then a mid-life epiphany changed everything. Now more than 40 kilograms lighter and altogether happier, the new Peter Fitzsimons wants to share his simple secret of transformation.
Reporter: Liz Hayes
Producer: Garry McNab

Saroo: The Movie
You have to marvel at Saroo Brierley’s incredible will and tireless ingenuity. He was born into a loving but poverty-stricken family in India, however one day when he was five they literally lost him. The little boy roamed the country until he was eventually saved by an orphanage, and then adopted by a Tasmanian family. Saroo grew up in Australia but never stopped searching for his Indian family. Against impossible odds he found them. His story is so remarkable that Hollywood has made a movie about him, and it’s already generating Oscar buzz.
Reporter: Allison Langdon
Producer: Alice Dalley

8pm Sunday November 20 on Nine.

2 Responses

  1. Didn’t Fitz do that story on Sunday Night years ago? I’m curious to know how many Sixty stories are skewed towards babies and motherhood… no offence but I’m a bit sick of them

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