
Shane Delia’s Recipe for Life: update

Updated: SBS has yanked this week's episode of Shane Delia to assist Muslims Like Us.

SBS has yanked this week’s episode of Shane Delia’s Recipe for Life in favour of more trains.

It will now screen two episodes of Great British Railway Journeys at 7:30pm.

Updated: Shane Delia now concludes:

Ep 7 4:55pm Fri March 2
Ep 8 4:55pm Fri March 9

The move appears to be to favour the second episode of Muslims Like Us at 8:30pm, by giving it a bigger lead-in via Michael Portillo.

3 Responses

  1. Was wondering what happened to Shane Delia’s show so I found this update. Pretty poor that it’s been bumped to 4.55pm?! Best way to ensure that zero viewers follow it!

    Not a good move SBS, you are usually better than this!

  2. Hmm, that doesn’t give much confidence in Shane getting another series does it?
    SBS , once the home of Hitler documentaries is now relying on Trains to save it’s schedule …
    OK then you SBS Public Servants – how about a series of Hitler’s Favourite Train Trips Through Occupied Europe ?

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