
60 Minutes: Apr 28

60 Minutes has an interview with John Shipton, biological father of Julian Assange.

60 Minutes has an interview with John Shipton, biological father of Julian Assange, who wants people to know “the real Julian Assange.”

Shipton split from Assange’s mother Chistine before he was born. She married Richard Brett Assange, whom Assange regards as his father.

Class Warfare
When it comes to education, every parent wants the best for their child. But because most of them have strong opinions on how to achieve it, this is causing conflict in schools. More and more mums and dads want more and more say about what goes on in the classroom, and if they don’t get their way, watch out. On the receiving end, teachers and principals say they’re sick of the bullying, the violence, and calls for their sacking. As Liam Bartlett reports, they just want to get on with doing what they know best – teaching
Reporter: Liam Bartlett
Producers: Thea Dikeos, Steve Jackson

The Real Julian Assange
There’s no middle ground when it comes to what the world thinks of Julian Assange. He’s either loved or loathed. Just over a fortnight ago, the Australian founder of WikiLeaks made more headlines when police dragged him, not so much kicking, but definitely screaming, out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he’d been holed up for seven years. Watching the shock eviction was Assange’s father, John Shipton, who fears his son will be sent to the United States, locked up and never released. In a 60 Minutes world exclusive, Shipton tells Tara Brown he wants everyone to know the real Julian Assange is not some careless villain computer hacker, but a hero of free speech.
Reporter: Tara Brown
Producer: Stefanie Sgroi

The Two Amigos
Everyone knows Steve Martin is a brilliant comedian and very accomplished Hollywood actor. The same is said about Martin Short. But less well known is the fact that Martin and Short have been best mates for more than 30 years. Now the two amigos have created a stage show, and they’re hitting the road to tell the world the secret of their friendship. As Liz Hayes finds out, it’s pretty simple really – a lot of laughter.
Reporter: Liz Hayes
Producer: Grace Tobin

8:40pm Sunday on Nine.

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