
Years and Years: trailer

BBC recently dropped a trailer for its upcoming drama by Russell T. Davies.

BBC recently dropped a trailer for its upcoming drama Years and Years, written and created by Russell T. Davies.

It features an impressive cast including Russell Tovey, Rory Kinnear, Jessica Hynes and Anne Reid plus an appearance by Emma Thompson.

So far no broadcaster has been announced for Australia.

Years and Years, by Russell T Davies, is an epic saga that takes an ordinary family and catapults them through the next 15 years. As society changes, faster than ever, the Lyons will experience everything we hope for in the future, and everything we fear. They’ll fall in and out of love and grow old, fall apart and come back together, while constantly looking forward.

Each episode propels us a year or two ahead, following the lives of Daniel (Russell Tovey), Stephen (Rory Kinnear) and his wife Celeste (T’Nia Miller), sisters Rosie (Ruth Madeley) and Edith (Jessica Hynes), Gran Muriel (Anne Reid) and the family’s children, as they navigate a world made unstable by politics, the economy and technological advances.

But this isn’t a dark, fearful show. It’s full of wit, warmth, and hope.

Years and Years is about family. It shows how we survive against the backdrop of a political world in which you can’t tell right from left any more. The tone is fierce, funny, heartbreaking and, ultimately, shows one family’s determination to survive the future.

4 Responses

  1. Any word yet on if there has been an Australian broadcaster secured? Really keen for this based on all the buzz I’m hearing from friends in the UK.

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