
Returning: In the Long Run

Set your PVR if you want to keep up with comedy created by Idris Elba.

ABC Comedy is burying season 2 of In the Long Run, created by Idris Elba in overnight screenings on Christmas morning.

Set your PVR if you want to keep up with this.

This screened in the UK in October.

Created by and starring Idris Elba and inspired by his own 1980s inner- city London childhood, In The Long Run is a funny, warm-hearted portrait of a West African family making ends meet in Thatcher-era Britain. It’s a story about family, community and what home really means.

1:45am Wednesday on ABC Comedy.

2 Responses

  1. Last summer this show as played next to Timewasters – about four jazz musicians who were sent back in time. The second series of that is Sunday night (Monday morning) in one long six-episode block.
    Ill Behaviour is getting the same six-episode run late Saturday night.
    Late Monday night – all of In The Long Run in a row or is it the first series repeated?
    Late Tuesday – back to useless repeats of stuff from earlier in the night/week.
    All ABC2.

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