
Time right for Melissa Bell

Seasoned soap performer Melissa Bell is proudly Neighbours' "most returning" performer.

Actress Melissa Bell jokes that she is the most ‘returning actor’ in the history of Neighbours.

Since first cast as Lucy Robinson in 1991, she has appeared around 8 times, including for the latest 35th anniversary storylines.

Bell is no stranger to soap, having subsequently appeared as Bonnie, an ensemble member of E-Street and Emily on Paradise Beach. But she also has no hang-ups about the genre.

“I’ve always talked fondly about Neighbours, E-Street and Paradise Beach. They are years of my life,” she tells TV Tonight.

“Paradise Beach is where I became friends with Isla Fisher. We all would all hang out together and it was a really good time.”

“It was a family. A nurturing environment.”

It was casting director Jan Russ who offered Bell a role on Neighbours, as ‘wild child’ Lucy Robinson, performing alongside Stefan Dennis and later Alan Fletcher, Jackie Woodburne and Ryan Moloney.

“I had just turned 18 so I was training and doing acting classes, working two jobs and waiting for a break. I got the call and this was the show. I was so young, but it was a family. A nurturing environment.

“Lucy came out of boarding school, she tried modelling, had a failed marriage, a drinking problem, then she got her life together and ends up as the CEO of Lassiters worldwide.”

“We just have this connection”

Amongst Bell’s numerous soapie connections is a long-term friendship with Bruce Samazan (Mark Gottlieb). Both worked together on E-Street and Neighbours, where they are currently reuniting.

“Bruce is a really good person. We just have this connection and I think you’re really going to see that come through.

“(We met when) he was playing (E-Street‘s) Max, the policeman. Our characters ended up getting together and at the end of the series he said, ‘Will you marry me, Bonnie?’ and the show ended.

Both are rekindling their flames in Neighbours episodes on 10 Peach. Returning to the show was an easy decision for Bell, who also owns her own women’s clothing store on the Gold Coast.

“I’m in a good time in my life, personally,” she explains.

“Once your family grows up, there’s time for you again”

“My kids are older now, so it’s about reclaiming who I am as a person and what do I want to do? What am I passionate about? Once your family grows up, there’s time for you again, and that’s the space I’m in. I’m lucky, I had my kids young, and throughout the years I’ve done stuff off and on.

“But now it’s time to get back to what I love doing.”

Neighbours airs 6:30pm weeknights on 10 Peach.

4 Responses

    1. She was recurring a few years back, where she eventually had a child through artificial means with Chris, who was the resident gay character at the time.

  1. I think Melissa has been back as Lucy Robinson for nearly all the milestones. The 1,000 episode, the tenth, 20th, 30th and now 35th anniversary.

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