Rumour: Magda Szubanski for The Weakest Link?
Next game show host may not be TV's nastiest but she's certainly a drawcard.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
Here’s a rumour I never expected to be filing…
Further to the chatter of The Weakest Link coming to Nine is a whisper that Magda Szubanski could be a contender as host.
That would be quite a switch from the late Cornelia Frances who perfectly presented as a stern, head-mistress like character.
By contrast, Magda is embraced with much affection (unless she is about to channel a Fast Forward character!).
No doubt she could take on the role with a twinkle in her eye, which has proven hugely successful for Tom Gleeson on Hard Quiz. And while 2006’s clip show Magda’s Funny Bits may not have set the world on fire, The Weakest Link is a tried and true format.
So tried and true it is currently rebooted in the US with Glee‘s Jane Lynch.
Nine is yet to comment on queries about a faux casting notice Quizical, which is to be filmed in Melbourne by BBC Studios Australia.
- Tagged with Fast Forward, Hard Quiz, Magda's Funny Bits, The Weakest Link
25 Responses
She could always bring back her Farscape persona, Furlow, for this.
I agree….I have seen the other side of Magda…I think she would do well…..
Maggie Kirkpatrick would be good if the media didn’t destroy her reputation and confidence
Yes, I said a couple of weeks ago they should get Maggie.
She would be perfect
I’d go Pamela Rabe before Maggie, but you have to remember casting for a Free to Air anchor requires broad appeal. Magda has that over others.
Not my choice but i mean you can’t judge until you see it i suppose but then i don’t see many aussies that could fill that role. Sometimes you think people aren’t right for the role and watch it and they’re perfect but yeah like others have said, i just don’t see it. Its better than Eddie or Grant or Sonia though lol but i think we need someone who is stern. Maybe they could find someone unknown? That has worked before. If it wasn’t on Channel 9 i’d say try to get Anne Hegerty. She’d be fun. I kind of miss her on the Aussie Chase.
No, love Magda but she’s too nice. I want someone like Kitty Flanagan who does stern and can think on her feet
OMG yess – perfect fit
no, keep away from comedians connected to The Weekly and The Project
To be fair, she hasn’t been connected to The Project in 7 years, and hasn’t been connected to The Weakly in about 3 years.
I have mixed feelings about this, as people have said, she can be serious but she is known for being funny. Perhaps she could have some fun playing around doing a ‘good cop, bad cop’ type character all rolled into one.
Or they could get Anne Hegerty from the Chaser, she would be the perfect ‘meanie’ character for it.
Whilst I love Magda this would be a terrible choice. Honestly I think the weakest link is Cornelia Frances‘ legacy, no one could do it better.
That being said, if it is to have a reboot the host would have to be someone who could do it justice and that isn’t Magda.
What about Red Symonds as host he also would be a good choice for the role.
He’s already hosted game shows and wasn’t that crash hot at it.
Having seen the New US version, perhaps they are taking the Jane Lynch lead and going for snarky smartass rather then outright cold & mean
“I said pet, I said love, I said pet. You are the weakest link… goodbye”
If it happens I’d love a different character to host every week: Sharon, Pixie-Anne, Chenille, Lynne Postlethwaite, Wee Mary MacGregor and Joan Kirner.
Best idea ever 🤣
Pleaseeeeeeeee, let this be true
Good one, made my day lol
Also didnt expect to see her name as one of the contenders of host. She does have a serious side to her too – which is ideal for the show.
Magda was the last person I would’ve thought of. She’s just too nice.
If she took on the hosting duties and pulled out lines like her Neighbours character she’ll be great.
Won’t watch if Magda hosts. Sorry.
Magda can do stern and serious very well. I hope this is more than a rumour.