
Home & Away ahead of Socceroos

Thursday was a night of soap, sport and scammers, ultimately won by Seven.

It was another quiet Thursday but Home & Away led entertainment at 501,000 / 446,000 metro viewers

That was ahead of 7:30 (448,000), Socceroos v Saudi Arabia (447,000), RBT (394,000) and Spying on the Scammers (387,000).

Later Paramedics was 350,000 then Q+A (263,000).

Seven network won Thursday with 28.3% then Nine 27.7%, 10 19.3%, ABC 15.7% and SBS 9.0%.

Seven News was #1 at 900,000 / 845,000. The Chase was 473,000 / 283,000. America’s Got Talent was 187,000.

Nine News drew 812,000 / 803,000. A Current Affair won its slot at 625,000 then Hot Seat (379,000 / 242,000). Love Island managed 152,000.

The Project was 270,000 /  198,000. 10 News First was 268,000 /  168,000.

ABC News was 574,000 for ABC. The Drum (144,000) and Doctor Who (82,000) followed

On SBS it was Coastal Devon & Cornwall with Michael Portillo (209,000), SBS World News (133,000 / 112,000), Red Election (92,000) and America After 9/11 (55,000).

Bluey led multichannels at 136,000.

The Morning Show: 128,000 / 84,000
Today Extra: 108,000 / 62,000

In Total TV lifts last Thursday were:
Love Island: 469,000
The Bachelorette: 584,000
Home & Away: 703,000
Coastal Devon & Cornwall with Michael Portillo: 424,000

OzTAM Overnights: Thursday 11 November 2021.

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