
60 Minutes: July 17

This Sunday, a man who fell overboard en route to Panama -without a life jacket.

On 60 Minutes this Sunday, a man who fell overboard en route to Panama -without a life jacket- and fraud in the pathology industry.

Fall Guy
Anyone who has ever stepped onboard a boat has probably considered, even if only briefly, what would happen if they fell off it. The terror of that thought is usually washed away though by knowing there would be immediate help. A life ring would be thrown into the water, the boat would turn around and a rescue would happen. But that’s not the case for that special breed of adventurer, the lone sailor. A month ago, 41-year-old Australian John Deer was happily sailing his small yacht towards Panama when the unthinkable occurred. John literally took a wrong step and fell overboard. When he surfaced all he could see was his boat sailing off into the distance. To make matters even worse, it was getting dark, he wasn’t wearing a life jacket, and he didn’t have an emergency locating beacon. He was completely alone in shark-infested waters. As Tom Steinfort reports, how John Deer survived the freak accident makes him the luckiest unlucky bloke in the world.
Reporter: Tom Steinfort
Producer: Lisa Brown

The Bloody Lie
The promise was a medical revolution that would benefit the entire world, but in reality it was a great big bloody lie. When young entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes claimed to have invented a machine that with a pinprick of blood could diagnose hundreds of diseases in patients, she instantly became the darling of Silicon Valley. Holmes and her business partner and ex-lover, Ramesh ‘Sunny’ Balwani, then set about duping investors to bankroll their company, Theranos. What the couple didn’t count on though was the courage of two of their own employees who knew the blood machine didn’t work, and knew they had to tell the world. Now Holmes and Balwani have been found guilty of fraud and are facing the prospect of decades in prison.
Reporter: Tara Brown
Producer: Naomi Shivaraman

8:45pm Sunday on Nine.

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