Standing ovation for Mad as Hell finale, message from PM.
There were video messages from Canberra as a favourite ABC comedy hit finally took its leave.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News, Top Stories
Cast and crew of Shaun Micallef’s Mad as Hell were given a standing ovation by a studio audience this week at ABC’s Southbank studio.
The ITV Studios / Giant Baby comedy had just wrapped a decade of satire aimed at tall poppies in politics, news, the media and more and enjoying solid ratings across its run.
The final episode played out like most episodes, with final appearances by Brion Pegmatite (Tosh Greenslade), Mary-Brett Punish (Emily Taheny), Donald McEngadine (Stephen Hall), Walbin Hecht – Official Coin Phraser from the Royal Mint (Francis Greenslade) and Star Casino PR Officer, Complimentary Voucher (Christie Whelan Browne).
But it wrapped with another season finale musical number, ‘You, Me and World War Three’ by Gavin Friday.
After filming concluded Micallef thanked ABC, ITV Studios, cast and crew, including writers Gary McCaffrie, Michael Ward and long-time floor manager Darrin Oakley.
Post-show celebrations included rare video messages from PM Anthony Albanese, Michael McCormack, Bill Shorten, Jacqui Lambie -some trying on zingers of their own- plus Ita Buttrose, Andrew Denton, Wil Anderson, Michael Rowland, Lisa Millar, Leigh Sales and Sarah Ferguson.
Micallef recently told TV Tonight, he is hoping the show may return in some form in the future, albeit without him on screen.
“I am interested in working on other people’s things from now on. I’ve had a summer that’s lasted 30 years. I’ve been able to do so much of my own work. I’m so lucky to be able to do that. Now I kind of want to help other people realise their visions and hand over the mic to somebody who hasn’t had the opportunity,” he said.
“Resources are limited here at the ABC. I’ve been hogging them for far too long. I would like to see some younger people, some more diverse performers have access to those resources.”
Shaun Micallef’s Mad As Hell series 14 & 15 now streaming on ABC iview.
- Tagged with Shaun Micallef's Mad as Hell
8 Responses
If anyone could revive sketch and/or improvisation comedy in Australia or even the World, it would be Micallef.
There’s a huge gap in my weekly viewing now that the show has ended. Please bring back Tom Ballard and can Shaun and is team turn there hand to creating a new local version of Rubbery Figures.
I hope that neither of them host the show in the future
This season went far too fast but what a high to end on. I’ll miss Shaun’s killer timing, his acerbity and his ability to go from a simple physical fleck to a scathing satirical quip and deliver full bodied guffaws with both. Bravo, Mad As Hell!
Well done Shaun, cast and crew for 10 years of perfect satire! Was watching last night and have been since it started. Hope they can give it a go with someone new as there is just too much talent on that show to let it go. Was possibly Shaun removing his mask to reveal Mark Humpheries or Sammy J a sign of what may come?
I would have loved to seen those post show videos..shame they couldn’t be shown during the broadcast last night
The “reveal” at the end when Shaun got back to his dressing room was brilliant, I’m hoping it was a passing of the baton so to speak and if it is I’m onboard.
The writing and character performance really maintained an excellent standard throughout. Plus much was wonderfully bizarre especially the “coming up on ABC and ABCiView….”. I really looked forward to Wednesday night viewing. It will be missed but pleased all those involved leave very much on top.