
Crossfire: promo

Keeley Hawes stars in UK thriller about a family caught up in an armed assault on a holiday resort.

This is rather unexpected…. 10 will screen the recently released UK thriller Crossfire, starring Keeley Hawes.

The four part series centres around a family who are caught up in an armed assault on a holiday resort in Spain.

This premiered in the UK in September.

Starring Keeley Hawes, Josette Simon and Anneika Rose, Crossfire is a story of survival and resilience as innocent holidaymakers and hotel staff are forced to make monumental life or death decisions with enormous consequences.

10 Responses

    1. Yes poor old ‘No Escape’. Benched by the studio for a long time back in 2015, and disowned by Owen it turned out to be one of my favourite action thrillers of the past decade. A great movie!

        1. Oh wow my mistake David. How embarrassing. I stand corrected. I just remember at the time that it’s release got yanked from the big screen here in Aus at the 11th hour but damn a $55 mil worldwide pull from a $5 mil budget is a hit in anyone’s book.

    1. It’s 3 x 55+ minute episodes on the BBC, as they like to do. However, for international distribution the standard used to be 50 minutes so stations could put in 10 minutes of ads and promos so the BBC used to make 50 minute versions as well. Crossfire looks to have been cut down to 4 *40, possibly with some recaps at the beginning and next week ons at the end for stations that want 50m.

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