
Seven News, Farmer, Bluey are Sunday best.

Seven dominates early evening viewing, while ABC's favourite dog remains a star performer.

Seven managed a win on Sunday thanks to Seven News and Farmer Wants a Wife.

Farmer Wants a Wife drew 572,000 metro viewers, but down on last Sunday’s 604,000.

That was ahead of Lego Masters (512,000) then, from 7:30pm, I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here (452,000) and Grand Designs (418,000).

Later Midsomer Murders led with 399,000 then 7News Spotlight (361,000) defeating rival 60 Minutes (335,000).

At a massive 509,000 Bluey easily topped multichannels -a further 107,000 watched the replay later in the day.

Seven network won Sunday with 29.4% then Nine 27.4%, 10 17.4%, ABC 16.8% and SBS 9.0%.

Seven News was #1 at 982,000, with Born to Kill at 150,000.

Nine News (777,000) was best for Nine with a late edition at 227,000.

The Sunday Project was 341,000 / 187,000. 10 News First drew 179,000 / 154,000. NCIS: Hawaii was 179,000 then FBI (122,000).

ABC News was 526,000. Compass (187,000) and Close to Me (83,000) followed.

On SBS it was SBS World News (155,000 / 132,000), Lost Beasts (142,000), The Black Death (112,000).

In Total TV viewers last Sunday were:

Octonauts and the Ring of Fire: 240,000
Close to Me: 250,000
Midsomer Murders: 868,000
Lego Masters: 977,000
I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here: 781,000
Farmer Wants a Wife: 1.19m

OzTAM Overnights: Sunday 23 April 2023

9 Responses

  1. Sunday AFL really helps Seven News in Melbourne as most must have hung around – this plus Adelaide and Perth news numbers (which are always bigger than Nine) provided the large gap between Nine News nationally. But I guess this is why Seven paid such a high price for the AFL rights, to get the flow on impacts.
    Is it a trend now that Nine news has been lower in Syd and Bris for some time?

    1. This was the case between 2012 and 2019, however certainly since 2022, Seven News Melbourne has been back on top every night regardless of AFL. Still not really sure why… Hitchener lost his charm/pull? Viewers like Tim Watson’s sport and meteorologist Jane Bunn’s weather? The Chase lead-in? Probably all of the above and then some.

        1. Seven has really done well with news in Melbourne since Rebecca Madden was added to the team. Nine has lost ground, despite producing a product that is on par with the one Seven produces.

      1. Interestingly, it appears the viewers leaving nine news have left FTA for this hour (seven and others haven’t seen a corresponding increase as best I can tell). Perhaps it’s the younger demo….

  2. That’s a fairly solid result for Spotlight, also given it’s not a high ‘000s or 1m lead-in, a mile up on Kath & Kim’s 100k-odd the other week and other shows there recently. But I do think it’s dependant on the lead-in, as well as the power of the stories.

    1. I won’t watch Spotlight again. It was heavily promoted and hyped to the max but did not deliver on the hype so has lost my trust. They need to get rid of the click bait tabloid promos and do real journalism.

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