
7News Spotlight: May 28

This Sunday Ross Coulthart reports on the dangers of vaping, especially on our youth.

On 7NEWS Spotlight Ross Coulthart has spent six months investigating the impact vaping is having on our youth.

He meets users, goes into the corridors of power in Canberra, and sits down with medical experts on the dangers of addiction.

“I’ve investigated some terrible people and some truly evil organisations in my decades as a journalist,” Coulthart said.

“Nothing has appalled me more than the ethics and tactics of big tobacco. I remember their claims from 30 or 40 years ago that cigarettes weren’t really all that bad.

“At the end of the day, adults can make their own minds up. But recently, this evil empire has turned its mind to recruiting customers from classrooms. The situation is bad.”

7pm Sunday on Seven.

2 Responses

  1. Did you use any footage from 4 Corners vaping show last year to save costs?

    John Oliver wins emmys for showing footage from 15 year old documentaries to back his stories up.

  2. It’s not just vaping kids are into either that should be investigated, it’s “nangs” (laughing gas or nitrous oxide in bulbs or whippets) kids are getting hooked on that can be easily purchased at independent tobacco outlets in various states around the country, sadly the consequences of them can affect your ability to walk, perform everyday tasks, impair judgment and on it goes…the government and health officials need to do something about that too.

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